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'Perfect Match' season two has ended —but the drama is only just getting started

Brittan Byrd, Bryton Constantin and Christine Obanor are some of several "Perfect Match" stars from season two involved in the cast conflict on social media.
  • The "Perfect Match" season two finale aired last week, but the drama has continued on social media.
  • Contestants are accusing each other of inappropriate behavior and forming secret pacts.
  • This is not a new phenomenon, but "Perfect Match" stars seem to be taking post-show drama to a new level.

Warning: spoilers ahead for "Perfect Match" season two.

"Perfect Match" season two may have ended last week, but the drama is just getting started.

Last week, Netflix aired the season two finale, where Christine Obanor and Nigel Jones were voted the winners and Harry Jowsey was exposed for lying about kissing another contestant behind his partner's back.

Fans may have thought the season's biggest controversies would have been solved during the finale. But, now its stars have turned to social media, accusing contestants of secret pacts, homophobic and misogynistic behavior, and lying to their partners.

The stars claim these incidents were cut from the final episodes to fit the series' narrative.

This could be a tactic for the stars to boost their brands after the season ended. For example, Harry is bringing new fans to his podcast, "Boyfriend Material" by using this platform to comment on the show.

Some cast members may also want to use their new fame to criticize costars they feel were protected by the show's final cut.

Since last Friday, multiple contestants have released videos telling their side of the story, including a 27-minute YouTube video from Christine. She accuses Kaz Bishop of being a gaslighter, says Micah Lussier is a "mean girl," and claims Alara Taneri tried to DM her boyfriend Nigel while they were still together.

Multiple "Perfect Match" season 2 cast members have spoken out about the way the series was edited.

Meanwhile, Chris Hahn stirred up an argument among cast members last week after he said on TikTok that some contestants formed a pact to vote for Christine and Nigel would win.

Christine and Brittan Byrd hit back on social media, saying that the main couples in the show made their own secret agreement to keep new singles out of the main house so they couldn't take part in the competition.

Christine, Brittan, Dominique Defoe, and Xanthi Perdikomatis are meanwhile calling out men on the series, especially Stevan Ditter, Kaz Bishop, Bryton Constantin, and Chris.

They said Stevan, Kaz, and Chris complained that they weren't with the right partner and hit on other women during the boys' day out and the whole cast mixer the following day. Christine said Stevan sucked Melinda Berry's toes during the boy's day out, and Brittan said Chris tried to match with her during the mixer.

Christine and Brittan also said Kaz tried to match with Brittan immediately after coupling up with Christine at the mixer but was rejected.

Chris responded to the women's videos on Wednesday, saying on TikTok that they are making "a whole bunch of bullshit" and calling them fake. He said the women were civil with him when they attended a party he hosted two weeks ago.

Brittan and Dominique have also come for Bryton on TikTok over the last month, accusing him of making homophobic and misogynistic comments on and off-camera.

Bryton denied Dominique's claims about being homophobic and misogynistic on TikTok earlier this month, claiming that Dominique lied about him and just "hates men." He has not commented on Brittan's TikTok, published on Monday.

This is not the first time reality show drama has continued past a series finale, and even the "Perfect Match" season one cast, which was less scandalous than season two, had a few public arguments.

But these videos are starting to make fans question whether the narrative Netflix is presenting them is genuine.

The series' integrity was already being questioned after season two contestant Dom Gabriel shared a deleted scene on social media last week that highlighted that the producers edited a conversation with Tolú Ekundare to make him seem like a villain. The video was first shared by Kinetic Content, the production team behind the show.

With no end in sight for the "Perfect Match" drama, perhaps the series should take a leaf out of "Love Is Blind" and organize a live cast reunion to address everything.

A representative for Netflix did not immediately respond to a comment request from Business Insider.

Alara, Brittan, Bryton, Chris, Christine, Dominique, Kaz, Micah Stevan, and Xanthi have also been contacted for comment.

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