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I can’t get over my lover who dumped me five years ago


DEAR DEIDRE: Although it’s five years since my lesbian lover dumped me by text, I can’t get over her.

The worst thing is, I’m still in the closet, so I can’t talk to my family about it.

I’m 25 and single.

When I met my ex, no30, six years ago, she was my first lesbian relationship. I fell deeply in love.

My parents thought we were just friends, and I didn’t tell them the truth because I was scared of their reaction.

We were happy for two years. Then she suddenly grew distant and wouldn’t say why.

One day, she sent me a text saying she was sorry but she’d met someone else and we were over.

She wouldn’t even meet to talk about it. She moved in with her new girlfriend a couple of weeks later.

I was devastated.

Since then, I’ve never managed to get over the hurt and shock. I’ve never dated anyone else because I’m too scared to.

My family doesn’t understand why I’m so miserable. Please help.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your ex ended things in an abrupt and insensitive way, but five years is a long time.

You’re stuck and need help to move forward with your life. Read my support pack, Moving On.

If your family is worried about you, perhaps it’s time to be honest with them about your sexuality, as not doing so is holding you back.

To talk this through, contact LGBT Foundation (, tel: 0345 3 30 30 30) and see my support pack, Gay Support.



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