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in:Unknown Location Referenced, Vanilla objects, Enemies, and3 moreConfirmations neededMobsPassiveEnglish한국어Sign in to editHistoryTalk (0)Bat is also a game feature of Minecraft.More information can be found on the Minecraft Wiki at Bat.For the Spooky Festival mob, see Bat Piñata.For the mob summoned by Bal, see Fire Bat.Bats are mobs that can spawn on a Roofed Forest Island on a player's ⏣ Private Island, as well as in Dungeons, and during Headless Horseman fights.Contents1 Variants1.1 Private Island1.1.1 Drops1.2 Dungeons1.2.1 Drops1.3 Headless Horseman2 Trivia3 Gallery4 HistoryVariants[]There are three different variants of Bats, however only the [Lv1] Bat in Dungeons has a Bestiary.Private Island[][Lv3] Bats can spawn from a Bat Crystal on Roofed Forest Island placed on a player's ⏣ Private Island. They spawn in a 1 block radius from the crystal. The spawn area must be unblocked.A Bat spawns every 43 seconds until five are on the island. Spawning continues as long as this cap is...