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Artemis Pnevmatikou:PR & communications, TechIsland


Tech, talk, and transformation: Artemis Pnevmatikou strategy for success.

‘Pushing for change isn’t just necessary; it’s inevitable if we want to keep moving forward’.

For young women tiptoeing into tech, Pnevmatikou doesn’t mince words about the need for relentless learning and strategic networking.

I had the unique pleasure of meeting Artemis Pnevmatikou, the dynamo at the helm of PR & Communications at TechIsland. With a career that marries the rigour of technology with the art of communication, Pnevmatikou’s story is not just about professional milestones; it’s about pioneering a future where technology transcends traditional boundaries. As I explored her world, her passion for shaping a tech-driven yet human-centric future was palpable.

It became evident that her journey is not just about achieving professional milestones but also about shaping the future of technology and communications. Her career reflects a profound dedication to blending technology with effective communication, aiming to enhance life’s quality and efficiency.

From her earliest memories, Artemis Pnevmatikou was always drawn to gadgets and solutions that streamlined life’s complexities. “I’ve always been hooked on how technology can simplify tasks, boost efficiency and enhance life quality,” she shares with a sparkle in her eye, reflecting on her formative years tinkering with any tool she could get her hands on.

Her childhood curiosity blossomed into a professional path where technology and effective communication intersect, driving progress in both fields. This blend of passions not only fuels her day-to-day activities but also defines her career’s trajectory.

Confronting stress and burnout ranks among her most formidable challenges, a hurdle many in high-stakes careers will face.

Pnevmatikou learned early on to size up what truly mattered in her life, leading her to treasure well-being over work conquests. “It’s all about calculating the stakes,” she notes, advocating for leveraging Cyprus’ sunny, relaxed lifestyle to maintain a healthy balance.

She points out that prioritising personal happiness and health leads to more sustained productivity and a fuller life, especially when you live in a place that encourages outdoor living and stress reduction. “As I always say, we live in a country where the sun shines 350 days a year. It would be a waste and a shame to spend most of that time stressed in an office. The easy-going island lifestyle is one of the perks of living in Cyprus. Create the right circumstances for yourself and enjoy it the way it best works for you”, Pnevmatikou said.

In the male-dominated tech industry, Pnevmatikou stands out not just for her skills but for her dedication to bridging the gender gap. She equips others to stand up for themselves through effective communication, essential in changing the game. “It’s about shaking up our societal roles and perceptions,” She asserts, her voice firm with conviction. She emphasises the importance of challenging stereotypes and encouraging women to take up space in tech, supporting them in navigating and reshaping the landscape through empowerment and strategic partnerships.

A day in the life of the Head of PR and Communications is far from monotonous. Pnevmatikou runs a tight ship, managing a diverse range of tasks from omnichannel communications to spearheading community initiatives.

Her secret to keeping on top of it all? “I’ve learned to cut through the noise and get down to business. Overthinking just slows you down,” she advises with a knowing smile. Her approach involves rapid decision-making and prioritising tasks that align directly with the organisation’s goals, ensuring that her team remains focused and effective, adding that “Rather than feeling overwhelmed, just enter your “get stuff done” mode and choose your battles carefully. Challenge things only if necessary and because you have valid reasons that something should be done differently.”

Mentorship is a golden thread in the fabric of her career. Pnevmatikou treasures insights from a spectrum of mentors, from those she looks up to, to peers and even people who report to her. “Everyone’s got a story or a lesson that can light up a new path for you,” she reflects, emphasising the value of learning from every interaction.

She shares how diverse mentorship has helped shape her perspectives, allowing her to appreciate different approaches and solutions that she might not have considered otherwise.

For young women tiptoeing into tech, Pnevmatikou doesn’t mince words about the need for relentless learning and strategic networking. She points them towards Women in Tech Cyprus, an encouragement for resources, support and mentorship, crucial for anyone ready to dive into tech.

“In terms of resources and communities, I am going to mention the Women in Tech Cyprus. This is a partnership between TechIsland and our member Adsterra, under the Women in Tech® Global movement. It is a growing community for female empowerment, offering an array of resources, including educational programmes and mentorship opportunities, specifically tailored for women either currently working in tech or considering a career in this field”, she said.

This initiative serves as a supportive community where women can find both inspiration and practical help, bridging the gap between aspiration and reality in a field that can often feel intimidating.

Her pride shines brightly when discussing TechIsland, a transformative project turning Cyprus into a tech oasis. “Seeing the island evolve from limited prospects to a tech powerhouse has been nothing short of amazing,” Pnevmatikou enthuses, her pride palpable.

She elaborates on how TechIsland not only boosts individual careers but also significantly contributes to the national economy by attracting investments and fostering a spirit of innovation across the Mediterranean locality. “I would have to say that I am incredibly proud to be part of TechIsland.”

TechIsland is an inspiring vision that brings positive change and prosperity to the island. “Growing up in Cyprus in the 90s, where there were limited opportunities, it’s remarkable to witness the island’s transformation into a growing hub of technology and innovation”, she said, adding that “Today, people no longer have to go abroad to find good opportunities; they can live, work and innovate here. We have many world-class companies, providing the chance to work with top experts in the field. This not only enhances individual careers but also places Cyprus at the forefront of innovation. We live in an AI-driven world that is constantly changing and evolving and Cyprus can be an integral part of this global shift.”

Dispelling myths in tech, especially the notion that tech is synonymous with IT, is something Pnevmatikou tackles head-on. “Tech spans across fintech, video gaming. adtech, software development, cybersecurity, AI & machine learning, cleantech, healthtech, hardware and electronics, automotive, blockchain, VR/AR. and more – it’s a vast landscape ripe for exploration,” she explains, eager to broaden everyone’s horizons.

She passionately argues that understanding the breadth and depth of tech can open up countless opportunities for innovation and career diversity.

On achieving work-life balance, especially in high-pressure tech roles, Pnevmatikou champions a holistic approach. “Don’t just toe the line between work and life; redraw it entirely to suit your needs,” she counsels, stressing the importance of crafting a life that fulfils both personal desires and professional ambitions.

She underlines the significance of setting boundaries, being mindful of one’s health and not succumbing to the perpetual grind that can lead to burnout. “In terms of everyday tips, I would say: exercise consistently, eat well, act more, complain less, practice disengaging from situations and take nothing personally. Always remember that if you keep talking about a problem you are making it bigger than what it is and you are putting yourself in toxicity. Stop doing that, just do what you have to do and move on”, concluded.

Continuous learning is a theme that resonates deeply with her. Whether it’s soaking up wisdom from thought leaders or engaging in courses like NLP, she’s constantly on the lookout for fresh insights. “Branching out beyond your comfort zone is where true growth sprouts,” she notes, always eager to evolve. “I enjoy listening to ideas and finding ways to incorporate them into my reality. Speakers like Simon Sinek, Steven Bartlett and Mel Robbins inspire and encourage me to look for new ways to learn and grow”, she said. She believes that staying curious and open to new ideas not only enhances her professional capabilities but also enriches her personal life, providing a well-rounded approach to both.

Looking ahead, Pnevmatikou is set on nurturing an environment in Cyprus where tech not only thrives but also enriches lives. Her encouragement for change within organisations emphasises her belief in innovation as a catalyst for improvement. “Pushing for change isn’t just necessary; it’s inevitable if we want to keep moving forward,” she states confidently, ready to lead by example in fostering a culture of adaptability and proactive change.

“At TechIsland, it’s different because of the nature of the industry. You have to want change to innovate and solve problems. But in any other organisation I have been with, advocating for change is a challenge unless the company culture is change-driven. The challenge is usually to push management to decide to change and then to convince the employees to embrace change. In my experience, what you can do is find how to resonate with each party. Understand what is important to them and find a way to connect that change with those priorities in a positive way”, Pnevmatikou said.

Emerging trends like AI and the evolving landscape of digital communication excite Pnevmatikou the most. “From AI transforming customer interactions to TikTok revolutionising how we consume media, the future is ripe with potential,” she asserts, her eyes alight with the promise of new technologies.

She is particularly intrigued by how these technologies can revolutionise communication, making it more personalised, efficient and impactful and how they can transform customer service and marketing strategies, adding that “Influencer marketing is another area of great interest to me, especially since when done right and authentically, it is effective brand advocacy. The dynamic nature of influencer marketing, driven by sophisticated algorithms and user engagement metrics, continuously reshapes how brands connect with their audiences.”

Additionally, the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to transform customer service and brand experiences is incredibly exciting.

AR and VR offer immersive experiences that can significantly enhance how customers interact with products and services. These technologies can provide virtual tours, interactive demos and even remote assistance, creating a more engaging and informative customer experience. As we live in a tech revolution, communication strategies must adapt to these new realities, embracing these innovative tools to stay relevant and effective.

Lastly, Pnevmatikou said that “we are witnessing a tech revolution that demands adaptive communication strategies. AI, personalised content algorithms and immersive technologies like AR and VR are not just trends but essential components of the future communication landscape. Staying ahead in this rapidly evolving field requires embracing these innovations and leveraging them to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.”

Through her narrative, Pnevmatikou shares a saga of overcoming obstacles and embracing change and also paints a vision of a future where technology and communication converge to create more inclusive, efficient and engaging human experiences.

As our conversation wrapped up and I stepped out of the buzzing TechIsland hub, I couldn’t help but be struck by the lasting image of Artemis Pnevmatikou’s warm smile.

Her laughter, light and frequent, really brought home her belief that bringing joy to what you do is crucial for both personal happiness and professional success.

I felt energised by her vision. She isn’t just navigating the tech world. She’s making it a better place with her infectious enthusiasm and compassionate leadership. Her story is a vivid reminder of how a positive outlook can turn challenges into opportunities for growth and change. Watching her continue to inspire and lead is not just impressive—it’s truly inspiring.