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Backfire! Biden ad attacks Trump 'by making him seem even more awesome'


Based on social media response to an anti-Trump ad from the Joe Biden campaign, it, well, failed.

The ad has appeared across America during the run-up to the 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden, whose policies have caused inflation of nearly 21% since he took office, and President Donald Trump, under whose leadership the nation's economy grew at unprecedented rates:

It says Trump would deport illegal aliens, reinstate a travel ban from "Muslim" countries, where terror is a government function, deploy troops to violent cities, prosecute his political opponents and more.

But a million views later, the comment list sounded like a Trump fan club:

"This sounds freakin awesome!"

Nick Sortor, "Wait, is this supposed to be a bad thing?"

Clandestine, "Yes, that's exactly what we are hiring him to do."

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Sara Rose, "Wow @BidenHQ is promoting Trump! Good job! This sounds amazing. Can't wait!"

Bonchie, "You guys might as well be donating to his campaign at this point."

Sean Davis, "Sounds awesome."

Buzz Patterson, "Don't threaten me with a good time."

Another commenter posted a video showing Americans' choice for the White House:

And another added a few points:

A commentary at Twitchy said, "Did they intend on making Trump sound so great?"

It continued, "Be sure and tell and friend and give them a ride to the polls, as well. All that matters is who actually gets out there and votes and Republicans will need a massive win to beat the Democrats and their trickery."

Greg Price said, on social media, "So I guess their plan is apparently to attack Donald Trump by making him seem even more awesome than he already is."

Twitchy wrote, "It's clear Joe Biden can barely walk and form a sentence when he is in public. Harris does not do much better of a job herself, to be honest. One would think they could at least get their campaign materials to land a decent punch. One would be wrong."

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