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SGA Women’s Team at NGA Nationals 2024


All good things must come to an end, and to close out the season, we were at NGA Nationals in Anaheim, CA June 7-12!

Coaches Misa, Alan and Annika have a great recap for Lake City:

“Anya and Nadia did great at their first Nationals Meet! They got some of their best scores all season, and it was smiles all around. We’re so proud of them, and are looking forward to summer training and progressing!

Kimbre was fantastic as always hitting 4 for 4, first on beam, and tying for second all-around. Smiles were abundant for all of SGA athletes and coaches. Milana competed in her first Nationals, and while there were some nerves and a couple uncharacteristic mistakes, she really gave it her all. She flew high on vault, swung big on bars scoring a season high, and really went big for her skills on each event.

Maddie was a lone Lake City representative in her division but had a huge smile the entire meet, and remained super positive! She knows how to perform her routines and kept the judges entertained during her entire floor routine!

Luella had a season high all-around score and competed each event so confidently. Zoe tied her season high score on bars and swung so beautifully. Sarah was named beam queen placing first on beam, and secured a spot on the Diamond National Team. All Diamond gymnasts were also invited to participate in the National Premier Camp in October in Crossville, TN.

We are extremely proud of all of our gymnasts that participated in NGA this season! Summer practice, here we come!”

Coach Lauryn from SGA Ballard said:

“SGA Ballard brought their season to a spectacular close at the NGA Nationals in California. All of our gymnasts delivered outstanding performances and brought home an impressive collection of medals. It was even more rewarding to see SGA cheer each other and other teams on. A very special shout out for our senior, Stella who competed in her final competition with SGA with grace and poise. Her leadership and dedication will be missed at the gym!”

And Coach Jayme from SGA Columbia City:

“Nationals was awesome, we had some personal best event high scores for a lot of our gymnasts. It was so fun watching everyone compete one last time for the season! We are excited for the end of the season and looking forward to the summer!!”

Congratulations team, what a great year! All our athletes put in the effort at each training and each meet, and thank you to our coaches for always leading our athletes with positivity and encouragement. We are so proud of this team and although this year is over, we’re so excited about the future!


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