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I hooked up with identical twins and their confession still makes me die inside


A WOMAN has revealed the dating comment that “still makes her die inside” after hooking up with identical twins.

The singleton had a friends with benefits situation with one man before catching the eye of his brother at a party.

A singleton wanted to ‘die inside’ after hearing a dating confession (stock image)[/caption]

Writing in to the Girls Overheard podcast, she admitted the night got “weird” after they kissed.

Podcast host Eilidh Wells was tasked with reading out the anonymous message on the show.

It read: “I had a friends with benefits situation going on with a guy.

“I was at a party one night and he was there, which was fine.

“He had an identical twin brother who was also there.

“I hadn’t really spoke with him before that night but he made an extra effort to chat to me.

“He was being super flirty, which I thought was weird.

“I ended up kissing him, bit weird I know but I didn’t think his brother would even mind because we’d never actually been a couple.”

She added: “But I pulled away eventually and awkwardly checked ‘by the way do you know that I used to have a thing with your brother?’

“His response still makes me die inside – ‘yeah I know, to be honest I always have the same girls as him and they always rate me higher’

“So it wasn’t a coincidence that he was firing into me. He was just wanting me to s*** him so he could check that he was still ranking better than his twin.”

Hilariously, she confessed that she still slept with the twin.

“And if you were wondering, yes he was better than the first one”, she cheekily added.

Sharing the video discussing the incident, the Girls Overheard page said: “This is one way of keeping it in the family.”

Co-host Lauren Kerr later joked: “That is sibling rivalry at its finest.”

“I feel like this happens more often than we know”, someone else insisted.