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People think I’m in my 20s & are stunned when they find out my age – but there’s a part of my body that gives it away


SHE’S got a flawless face which makes people think she’s “20 or 30”.

But people have insisted there’s a “dead giveaway” to the woman’s real age, after she revealed in a video on her Instagram page that she’s approaching 60.

Sevynn took to Instagram to share a video of herself, as she said people think she’s “20 or 30”
But people in the comments section insisted her neck was a “dead giveaway” of her real age – nearly 60[/caption]

Sevynn took to the social media site to share a clip of herself in the car, showing off her visage and physique in a strappy vest top.

She left her raven hair loose, and added a full face of make-up and hoop earrings for some extra glamour.

“I love when people think I’m 20 or 30,” she wrote over the top.

“Nah, auntie about to be 60 baby!”

“Really at that age,” she added in the caption.

However, the comments section was almost immediately filled with people insisting they’d guessed her real age by looking at her neck.

“Your neck is a dead giveaway,” one wrote.

“For absolute sure,” another added.

“They don’t have neck filters yet,” a third laughed, while someone else agreed, writing: “Definitely a face filter, her neck is showing her age!”

“Too bad your filter doesn’t go all the way down your neck and chest!” another said.

“Yep neck and fingers always give away the age of these cougars,” someone else insisted.

“I didn’t wanna be rude lol but yeah she can put on as much make up as she want, that neck gone tell it,” another said.

“Always look at the neck. It’s like counting the rings of a tree,” someone else said.

While another said her “loose armpit” was another sign that she’s not as young as she may look.

However, others defended Sevynn, insisting that “most wouldn’t notice” her neck.

“She’s still HOTTTTT,” one wrote.

“You fooled me,” another added.

How is celery juice an anti-ageing potion?

Celery juice is packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, which combat free radicals that cause cellular damage and aging.

Its high water content keeps your skin hydrated and plump, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

The anti-inflammatory compounds in celery, such as apigenin and luteolin, help reduce chronic inflammation linked to ageing.

Rich in essential nutrients like vitamin K and potassium, celery juice supports overall skin health and body functions.

Drinking celery juice regularly can complement a balanced diet and skincare routine, promoting a youthful glow from within.

“Still the neck is in pretty good shape for the age,” a third commented.

“Y’all really talking about this lady’s neck?” someone else said.

“Let me see y’all mummas, let me see y’all grannies – I bet they wouldn’t look like her.

“This lady is gorgeous for her age.

“Let’s be real the average 59yo don’t look like this!”

As another agreed, writing: “She looks amazing for her age.

“That’s how you want your wife to look at that age.”