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Big Abortion is Spending $100 Million for Unlimited Abortion Across America

Big Abortion is Spending $100 Million for Unlimited Abortion Across America

A very busy couple of days on the abortion front with NRLC President Carol Tobias often in the thick of it. Pro-abortionists, as always, touted their massive advantage in money, and, as always, vowed to win, win, and win. Tobias offered another vision, a vision that refuses to pit mother against unborn child. Yesterday, two […]

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A very busy couple of days on the abortion front with NRLC President Carol Tobias often in the thick of it. Pro-abortionists, as always, touted their massive advantage in money, and, as always, vowed to win, win, and win. Tobias offered another vision, a vision that refuses to pit mother against unborn child.

Yesterday, two years to the day since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade Tobias said

“With Dobbs, the Court correctly decided that a right to abortion is not in the Constitution. Dobbs gives the American people, through their elected representatives, a voice in protecting the right to life.” …

“Two years later, instead of working to protect innocent human lives and working to create safety nets for women in need, pro-abortion groups and their sympathizers, including the Biden-Harris administration, have doubled down on promoting unlimited abortions and protecting the abortionists who do them.”

Tobias also appeared on Meet the Press, hosted on Monday by Yamiche Alcindor.

Surprisingly she was allowed to speak, a rarity on Network Television.

Tobias explained that Democrats, who routinely voice support for “choice,” in reality support unlimited abortion on demand fully funded by the taxpayers (and denying a vote on extending medical care to abortion survivors).

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She also told Alcindor that we are “focusing on changing the culture and changing hearts and minds.” We are

reaching out to all women to encouraging them to truly consider that they are carrying a special life, another life inside of them that deserves to live as well.”

Meanwhile we read in Politico, which doubles as the house organ of pro-abortion Democrats,

Inside the $100 million plan to restore abortion rights in America: Leaders of the coalition say they want to make the procedure more accessible and affordable than ever before.

Alice Miranda Ollstein writes about the campaign launched by nine core organizations and dozens of supporting groups which includes such standbys as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and Reproductive Freedom for All.

From our vantage point, what is most interesting is that the efforts of Abortion Access Now “to project a unified battle plan comes amid deep divisions within the left about the best way to restore abortion access.”

Under Roe v. Wade, there were minimal meaningful protections for unborn children such as waiting periods. Some exceptions were carved out including allowing a ban on federal funding of most abortions.

But, to Ollstein’s credit, she went to those coalition members who want to go way beyond Roe.

When Pamela Merritt, executive director of Medical Students for Choice, received word of the launch of Abortion Access Now, she said she “immediately was worried that it would be Roe 2.0.”

“People need to understand that there is no agreement on reinstating a very flawed framework when we have the opportunity to build something that people actually need,” said Merritt, whose group was not invited to be a part of the coalition. “I will never understand leading with compromise, because that’s a sign of weakness that we should not be showing.”

Merritt noted that even under Roe, states imposed restrictions like waiting periods. Some banned taxpayer funding or prohibited the procedure later in pregnancy.

Haydee Morales, interim president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health, agreed, adding that unless the coalition is willing to “explicitly affirm the right to abortion without limitations,” they’ll be choosing to “uphold the Roe framework on the backs of Black, Indigenous, other people of color, and all marginalized communities.”

Morales want to “explicitly affirm the right to abortion without limitations.” That’s asking a lot, since Democrats for 50 years have masked their support for federally-funded unlimited abortion with  various and sundry insincere talk about “viability” and “exceptions” for only the rarest of rare cases.

Two years after Dobbs the American people are presented with two diametrically opposed visions.

As for me and my house, we choose life. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.

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