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WATCH: CNN host gets schooled on what voters really think of Trump


Kate Bolduan of CNN interviewing pollster Frank Luntz (Video screenshot)The political "pundits" just don't get it when it comes to what American voters really think about former Donald Trump. That according to pollster Frank Luntz, who told CNN host Kate Bolduan on Tuesday that many of the so-called experts have been mistaken about the Republican. As an example, Luntz discussed the 2016 presidential debate…

Kate Bolduan of CNN interviewing pollster Frank Luntz (Video screenshot)
Kate Bolduan of CNN interviewing pollster Frank Luntz (Video screenshot)

Kate Bolduan of CNN interviewing pollster Frank Luntz

The political "pundits" just don't get it when it comes to what American voters really think about former Donald Trump.

That according to pollster Frank Luntz, who told CNN host Kate Bolduan on Tuesday that many of the so-called experts have been mistaken about the Republican.

As an example, Luntz discussed the 2016 presidential debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton, as Trump suggested the Democratic nominee would "be in jail" if he were president.

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Bolduan played a clip of the debate, and Luntz indicated that while "pundits really condemned him," voters actually were thrilled by the remark.

"Nobody expected Donald Trump to say that," Luntz said.

"And the pundits really condemned him [for] doing it. And our voters said, 'Wait a minute. He's holding her accountable. It's about time that politicians are held accountable.' That's one of the great frustrations in America. That's why we're so angry because when you think politicians will say and do anything, and then actually do exactly the opposite of what they promise."

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Bolduan responded by saying Trump was "kind of suggesting he would be like directing his Justice Department to go after a political opponent."

Luntz stressed Bolduan's statement demonstrated perfectly how out-of-step political analysts are with the voting public.

"And that's exactly what the pundits said," Luntz opined.

"And the voters said, 'Uh uh,' he's actually going to do this. I want someone who's that tough, who's going to look me straight in the eye and the opposite was Barack Obama, looking [at] people and saying 'I get you, I understand you, I appreciate you, I applaud you.' Voters are looking for someone to speak to them, to look at them, to mean what they say, say what they mean and do what they promised to do."

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