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Eftychia Frangeskou: computer science


Growing up in a family with two engineers who were also radio amateurs and tech enthusiasts, Eftychia Frangeskou was surrounded by technology from an early age.
Studies have shown that companies with higher gender diversity, particularly in leadership roles, tend to perform better financially.
Frangeskou advises young women considering a career in technology to believe in themselves, embrace lifelong learning, find their passion, build a strong support network, not be afraid to fail, advocate for themselves and challenge stereotypes and biases.
This environment fostered her curiosity and passion for understanding how things work. Before she realised it, she was immersed in technology, even without actively pursuing it.

Due to her early exposure to technology, when the time came to choose a subject for her university degree, her father encouraged her to pursue something tech related, while her mother suggested accounting and economics. Frangeskou ended up combining both by earning her first degree in computer science and management studies from Royal Holloway, University of London.

Reflecting on her professional journey, Frangeskou recalls, “I was fortunate to work for well-known international corporations with a vast reach across all major industries. This gave me the opportunity to interact with organisations of all sizes and people from diverse backgrounds.”

She further noted, “Another important point of working for well-known, international corporations is the fact that they have strong women-related leadership initiatives. These initiatives have provided valuable support, resources and opportunities for professional growth and advancement. They have fostered an inclusive environment where women’s contributions are recognised and encouraged, helping to bridge the gender gap in leadership roles within the tech industry.”

This early realisation of gender disparity became apparent to Frangeskou from the very first day at university. The ratio of male to female students in Computer Science was strikingly unbalanced. This trend continued as she entered the IT workforce.

Frangeskou shared how in the early days of her career, she often felt that her opinion didn’t count. It was challenging to feel heard and valued, not because she lacked experience, but mainly because she was a woman.

As her career progressed, this sense of being overlooked was a common experience in the male-dominated tech industry, where gender bias often overshadowed professional capabilities. “The truth is that I had to try harder and put in more effort to prove myself because I was a woman,” Frangeskou said. She remembers times when she felt the need to be more of a “dude” to fit in and be accepted by her peers.

This involved adopting behaviours and attitudes that aligned more closely with the male-dominated environment around her. As time went by and her professional experience and skills grew, she noticed a positive shift. More women began entering the tech industry and men started becoming more open-minded about this change. “This evolution in the industry made it easier for women like me to be accepted, have their opinions valued and their contributions recognised and appreciated,” she remarked.

Recognising the transformative power of mentorship, Frangeskou has always advocated for the empowering influence of guidance. Throughout her career, she has actively engaged in mentoring, initially as a mentee and later as a mentor. Both experiences have been incredibly valuable.

As a mentee, she benefited from the guidance, knowledge and support of experienced professionals, which helped her navigate challenges and grow in her field. “As a mentor, I have had the opportunity to share my insights, provide support and contribute to the development of others,” she said.

To foster a more inclusive environment, companies are increasingly deploying a range of policies, practices and cultural shifts aimed at promoting gender equality and bolstering women’s professional advancement. Frangeskou observes that “Implementing diversity and inclusionary policies is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for tech companies worldwide.”

Highlighting several successful strategies, Frangeskou notes that ignore bias training stands out as a foundational step towards altering the ingrained perceptions that often hinder workplace equality. “Training sessions help dismantle the social stereotypes that can influence decision-making,” she notes, adding that “it’s about reshaping the thought processes that underpin the corporate culture.”

Furthermore, ensuring equal pay and opportunities remains a cornerstone of genuine inclusivity. Companies are now more frequently conducting pay audits and embracing transparent compensation practices to address any disparities directly. “Equal pay for equal work is fundamental and transparency is key to accountability,” Frangeskou states.

She also stresses the importance of family-friendly policies, which include flexible work arrangements and comprehensive parental leave policies for both mothers and fathers. “By allowing flexible hours and remote work options and by supporting both parents, companies make a significant impact in supporting women to balance their careers with family life,” she says.

Moreover, Frangeskou points out the role of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) specifically for women, which offer a community and voice within the company. “These groups empower women to share their experiences and solutions, fostering a network of support and advocacy,” she adds.

This commitment is often reflected in the company’s recruitment practices as well, which should be transparent and designed to eliminate bias, ensuring a diverse pool of applicants. “It’s not just about hiring women but about hiring wisely and fairly,” Frangeskou concludes.

In measuring and reporting on the progress of these initiatives, companies can not only assess their impact but also demonstrate their dedication to diversity and inclusion. This transparency not only fosters trust within the organisation but also enhances its reputation externally. As Frangeskou succinctly puts it, “What gets measured, gets managed and ultimately, gets improved.”

Frangeskou’s journey and insights illuminate the significant strides women can make in the tech industry with the right support systems, mentorship and advocacy. Her experiences serve as a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of inclusivity and the impact of diverse perspectives in shaping a more equitable tech landscape.

Reflecting on the patterns she has noticed over the years about women at work, Frangeskou observes that women are often underrepresented in senior leadership positions despite their qualifications and capabilities. Balancing professional responsibilities with personal and family commitments remains a significant challenge for many women.

She also noted that women may have smaller professional networks compared to their male counterparts, impacting their access to opportunities. “Women are sometimes less likely to self-promote or advocate for their achievements, which can affect their visibility and recognition in the workplace,” Frangeskou explained. Persistent gender biases and stereotypes can affect women’s career progression and workplace experiences.

Frangeskou advises young women considering a career in technology to believe in themselves, embrace lifelong learning, find their passion, build a strong support network, not be afraid to fail, advocate for themselves and challenge stereotypes and biases.

For the new generation of female leaders, she emphasises the importance of authenticity, humility, continuous learning, fostering a culture of empowerment and inclusivity, leading by example and being open to feedback and committed to continuous improvement.

She strongly believes that companies can benefit significantly from having more women in leadership positions. “Women bring different experiences, perspectives and problem-solving approaches, leading to more innovative and well-rounded decisions,” Frangeskou said.

Studies have shown that companies with higher gender diversity, particularly in leadership roles, tend to perform better financially. This includes higher profitability, return on equity and stock performance. Companies with a diverse leadership tend to have stronger corporate governance and are less likely to engage in unethical practices.

“Women leaders often bring different risk management approaches, which can help in better identifying and mitigating potential risks,” she said.

Moreover, women often represent a significant portion of the consumer market. Having women in leadership can provide better insights into customer needs and preferences, leading to more effective marketing and product strategies. Women leaders often foster more collaborative and inclusive team environments, which can enhance team dynamics and productivity. “Diverse teams are more likely to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. Women leaders contribute to a culture of innovation by encouraging diverse thinking and collaboration,” Frangeskou added.

In discussing future trends in the tech industry, Frangeskou highlights areas that could particularly benefit women, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), cybersecurity, remote work technologies, health and biotech, sustainability and green tech as well as  augmented (AR) and virtual (VR) realities.

To prepare for these opportunities, women should focus on continuous learning, skill development and networking. Participating in professional organisations, attending industry events, seeking mentorship and staying updated on technological advancements can help  position women to take full advantage of emerging trends in the tech industry.

Supporting other women and uplifting each other in the organisation is essential for fostering a culture of inclusivity, empowerment and collaboration. Some ways women can support each other in the workplace include mentorship and sponsorship, creating networking opportunities, promoting recognition and visibility, encouraging skill development and growth and providing emotional support. “Offer mentorship to junior or less experienced women in the organisation and provide guidance, advice and support as they navigate their careers,” Frangeskou emphasised.

On a final note, Frangeskou believes that the role of government in promoting gender equality and supporting women in the workforce across all industries, including the tech sector, is multifaceted and crucial. By enacting and enforcing policies that promote gender equality, providing funding and resources for women’s empowerment programmes and leading awareness campaigns to challenge stereotypes and biases, governments can create an environment where women have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed.

Additionally, through initiatives such as education and skills development programmes, international cooperation, public procurement policies and legal aid services, governments can address systemic barriers and promote inclusive practices that benefit women in the workforce.

Overall, government support is instrumental in creating a more equitable and inclusive workforce where all individuals, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, Frangeskou’s journey and insights shed light on the significant strides women can make in the tech industry with the right support systems, mentorship and advocacy. Her experiences serve as a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of inclusivity and the impact of diverse perspectives in shaping a more equitable tech landscape.