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Biden accused of ignoring, betraying Christians dying at hands of Boko Haram


Joe Biden holds a Cabinet meeting, Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, in the Cabinet Room of the White House. Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends.

Joe Biden repeatedly has taken actions that are seen as attacks on Christians, from his demands Christian groups pay for abortion to his transgender agenda, in which Christian schools would have to allow boys into girls' showers, and his plan to force Christian doctors to perform abortion services.

Now he's accused of ignoring Christians who are dying at the hands of Boko Haram in Nigeria, and actually betraying them.

The charges come in a report from the American Center for Law and Justice on the dire situation facing Christians in that African nation.

There, the government actually hunted down and returned to freedom several hundred Christians who had been abducted by the organization of Muslim terrorists.

"Sadly, here at home, our own president has not only ignored the plight of dying Christians in Nigeria, but he actually took steps to betray them," the ACLJ report charged.

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"When ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo was the U.S. Secretary of State, he placed Nigeria on a special Countries of Particular Concern watchlist for engaging in or tolerating 'systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom.'"

But the report noted, "No sooner had Biden taken office than his own Secretary of State Antony Blinken reversed that move, taking Nigeria off of that critical list, essentially condoning the laundry list of human rights violations, violent attacks, and murder of innocent Christians and other religious minorities."

The ACLJ, which repeatedly has urged the United Nations to pressure Nigeria to protect countless Christians in its population from the attacks, abductions and murders "by Islamic extremists," reports Nigeria's government found and freed more than 300 women and children from captivity by Boko Haram, the "violent terrorist regime" linked to ISIS.

The organization cited documentation from Global Christian Relief that Nigeria's military "raided a Boko Haram stronghold and rescued 135 women and 209 children."

The GCP report documented: "Nigerian authorities infiltrated Sambisa Forest near Cameroon and Niger—where the extremist group maintains a stronghold to execute strategic attacks. When the successful rescue operation concluded after several days, Nigerian authorities stated that the hostages appeared to be very weary and were wearing tattered clothing. Some had been in captivity for several months while others stated that they had been held for a number of years. One of the freed captives . . . said that she longed to escape but feared that her children would be harmed—or that she would be tortured if apprehended."

The report noted Open Doors has ranked Nigeria among the worst nations in the world for its persecution of religious minorities.

"Since 2009, over 52,000 Christians have been killed, and more than 700 have been abducted in Nigeria," the report said.

In fact, Nigeria is responsible for the deaths of nearly 90% of the Christians killed recently for their faith in the entire world.

The report said, "I bet you didn't know that. – because the mainstream media and the Biden administration are completely ignoring this genocidal uptick in Christian persecution."

The ACLJ said it sent an urgent letter to Blinken about the holocaust, a letter that was ignored.

Then, without a response, it took on a Freedom of Information Act case against the Biden administration.

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