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Tieflings, also known as devilkin or infernals,[31] are humanoids with devilish ancestry. They are distinguished by the large horns on their head, and are known for their extravagant appearance and their often carefree attitude.Contents1 Appearance2 Origins and society3 Powers, abilities and subraces3.1 Bloodline of Asmodeus3.2 Bloodline of Dispater3.3 Bloodline of Fierna3.4 Bloodline of Zariel3.5 Variants4 Notable tieflings4.1 Exandria Unlimited: Calamity4.1.1 NPCs4.2 Campaign One: Vox Machina4.2.1 PCs4.2.2 NPCs4.3 Campaign Two: The Mighty Nein4.3.1 PCs4.3.2 NPCs4.4 Explorer's Guide to Wildemount4.5 Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep4.6 Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn4.7 The Re-Slayer's Take4.7.1 PCs4.8 Exandria Unlimited4.8.1 NPCs4.9 Campaign Three: Bells Hells4.9.1 NPCs4.10 The Nine Eyes of Lucien4.11 The Legend of Vox Machina5 External links6 ReferencesAppearance[]A tiefling's diabolic origins results in the presence of an array of fiendish features being present in any given...