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Peach Disease - Peach Leaf Curl

Although new leaves develop, their growth reduces established food reserves, weakens the tree, and may reduce yield. Defoliation by peach leaf curl in successive seasons may kill the tree.SymptomsInfected leaves, which begin appearing in mid-May, are easily distinguished from healthy leaves in that they are puckered and thicker than normal. Deformed areas are red to yellow at first and then turn brown. Eventually, the infected leaves fall from the tree.Disease CycleSpores of the leaf curl fungus overwinter on the surface of peach twigs. In spring, the spores multiply during periods of moist weather until the leaf buds swell and open. Rain is necessary for infection. The spores are carried on a film of water into the buds, where leaves are infected. Cool, wet weather slows leaf development and allows more time for leaf curl infection. Infection occurs readily at 50° to 70°F. Dry weather during bud swell and bud break limits leaf curl infection.After the deformed and discolored leaves tu...