Doctors in 1 state could soon lose their licenses for 'microaggressions'
(FREE BEACON) – "America is the land of opportunity." "I believe the most qualified person should get the job." "America is a melting pot." Those are examples of harmful "microaggressions," according to Columbia professor Derald Wing Sue, lauded by Oregon's state government as a "microaggressions expert." Now, under a soon-to-be-finalized ethics rule from the Oregon Medical Board, doctors who commit "microaggressions" risk losing their medical licenses.
Under Oregon law, doctors who fail to report "unprofessional conduct" from themselves or a colleague within 10 business days can face severe penalties, including loss of license. The state's medical board is in the process of shoehorning "microaggressions"—innocently intentioned behaviors interpreted by women or minorities to be subliminal communications of bias—into its definition of "unprofessional conduct," according to the proposed rule, which the board unveiled in April.
The rule, which has thus far flown under the media radar, expands that definition to include "discrimination through unfair treatment characterized by implicit and explicit bias, including microaggressions, or indirect or subtle behaviors that reflect negative attitudes or beliefs about a non-majority group." Discrimination, the rule states, is defined as "differences in the quality of healthcare delivered that is not due to access-related factors or clinical needs, preferences, and appropriateness or intervention."