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Tim Scott climbs to top of Trump's list in VP race to the bottom


The mad scramble to become Donald Trump’s vice president/personal bathtub attendant is proceeding apace, and one of the top contenders is Sen. Tim Scott, the junior suck-up from South Carolina.

In his nationwide search to find a running mate who’s somehow more obsequious than Mike Pence, Trump has identified several promising candidates, and Scott has gradually worked his way to the top of his jackboots. And hey, why not? South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem might as well have shot herself when she wrote about murdering her dog, and if Trump can’t pick a woman VP, he may decide to balance the ticket by selecting a Black man. 

The key is to find one who’s not a felon, hasn’t stored top secret government documents in a heavily trafficked club ballroom, doesn’t run fraudulent businesses, isn’t on the hook for $83 million for defaming his sexual abuse victim, and doesn’t make gross, highly inappropriate comments about Ivanka Trump.

Scott fills that bill (as do lots of people, frankly), and he’s eager to roll up his sleeves to improve the lives of the four Black people in the country who’ve managed to maintain cordial relationships with Trump.