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Michael Steele snaps at Project 2025 architect over threat to gut government for Trump


An interview with the man called the "architect" of the far-right Project 2025 plan to dismantle the federal government and remake it into a Donald Trump-friendly authoritarian nightmare quickly turned ugly on MSNBC on Saturday morning.

Early in the segment on MSNBC's "The Weekend," co-host and former RNC chair Michael Steele got in the face of Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts who said he saw no problem firing a government employee who donated to a Democratic candidate.

What followed was the two talking over each other with Roberts claiming more than 50,000 federal employees would be summarily fired after complaining that 95 percent of government employees "give political contributions to the liberal Democratic party."

"You're going to fire someone because they gave a check to a Democratic candidate?" an incredulous Steele asked.

"No, we're going to fire someone — and the number needs to be more than 50,000, considering there are 2 million federal employees," Roberts shot back. "Because over the last century, the radical left has seen the administrative state as the fourth branch of government. They're unelected bureaucrats — nothing against your dad, a human being, you know that. obviously. But ultimately, we have to devolve power from the imperial state --."

"But you would fire my dad because he wrote a check to a Democratic candidate without any appreciation or understanding where his political allegiance actually lies," Steele interrupted. "You take away their job, why does that matter?"

"If they are doing their job about a mission that is misaligned," Roberts shot back. "For example, the U.S. Department of Education. Thankfully, president Trump deserves credit for saying he wants to end the Department of Education. That means employees in that agency, even if they have been serving a mission with great competence will have to look for another job."

"The folks you are identifying who are Trump-aligned are the ones who are going to be coming in, " Steele parried.

"You are positive those people are incompetent," Roberts complained.

"I'm not, Steele protested. "As much as you are thinking I am positing these people are incompetent, you are positing they [existing employees] are somehow executing a nefarious agenda."

"Some of them are," the Heritage head claimed.

Watch below or at the link

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