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5 served in Vietnam, 1 came home: Vero Beach High School survivor remembers '66 classmates

The Vietnam War took a heavy toll on the students and families of Vero Beach High School’s Class of 1966. As our involvement in the war deepened, and especially after North Vietnam launched its deadly Tet Offensive, the news of our classmates serving in the Army and killed in action began arriving home one by one:Spc.4 James Ellis Loudermilk, Dec. 27,1967; Pfc. Franklin Clovis, Feb. 8, 1968; Sgt. Stephan Max Wiggins, March 30, 1968, and, 1st Lt. Mark Jackson, Oct. 28,1969. For the sleepy little town of Vero Beach, and especially the Class of ’66, the Vietnam War was no longer some distant, emotionless event viewed only on the evening news with Walter Cronkite.These were our classmates. They were our friends.Their lives held as much promise as any of ours. But they answered their nation’s call to arms fighting for their country in Vietnam.About the author: Vero Beach dropout reflects on IRSC career, having had life 'scared into him' in VietnamThe following accounts of our VBHS classmate...