Musk Allows Porn on X. It’s Time to Fight Back.
I believe it began with the school lockdowns of 2020. Many parents got their first good look at what kids were learning in school by peeking over their shoulders during online at-home classes. There was a national backlash, particularly against the perverse sexual ideology that had found its way into public school curricula long before.
Since then, loving parents across the nation have run for school board seats and won; state legislators have passed laws protecting kids from gender ideology in the classroom; and concerned citizens have also set their sights on another, closely related threat: The Pornography-Social Complex. (READ MORE: The Pride Play)
Take, for instance, the American Principles Project’s current campaign to protect kids through online age verification. The cause enjoys bipartisan support, and efforts like theirs have already led some states to require age verification on the part of online porn companies — the biggest of which has closed up shop in some regions, a chilling admission that their business model relied heavily on traffic from children.
FACT: Apple and Google allow “adult” apps in their app stores, but they do NOTHING to stop kids from downloading them.
We must empower parents to protect their kids online. That’s why we sent @GovCox a coalition letter endorsing age verification at the app store level.
— American Principles (@approject) June 18, 2024
The porn industry is against the ropes. We have tasted victory, and we won’t back down.
Then, this month, Elon Musk announced he would officially allow pornography on X (formerly Twitter). This is on a social media platform that for years has failed to stop its users from spreading videos of rape and child abuse. Importantly, X still lets minors open up accounts — as long as they’re at least 13.
Capturing X is a major win for the Pornography-Social Complex, and it isn’t the first such achievement.
The biggest app stores already carry pornographic apps and do nothing to verify the ages of the millions (including children) who download them. The biggest internet service providers already let online porn conglomerates keep their websites available to minors with no age verification. That’s to say nothing of the powerful political establishment that tries to defend both Big Porn and Big Tech (but I repeat myself) against any limits when it comes to reaching kids.
Saving Eros from The Pornography-Social Complex
Exposure to pornography robs the young of eros and with it the ability to relate not only to the opposite sex but to the whole world around them. Erotic love is not the seedy, shameful thing so many moderns have been fooled into thinking it is. Rather, eros is the fundamental stuff of our world.
It’s the passionate devotion to true philosophy that drove Socrates to manfully sacrifice his life rather than bow to the gods of his city. (READ MORE: Pride Month, Leftism, and ‘The Ape of the Church’)
It’s the civilization-defining desire of Aeneas for the prosperity of his family as he first tried desperately to embrace the ghost of his murdered wife, then went on to “preserve his love for their shared son” and progeny by founding the Roman people.
God Himself used the language of marriage and eros in revelation. He is a “jealous” God, Scripture tells us. Those who stray from His laws are “harlots.” And He showed us His relationship to man in the Song of Solomon — an erotic love poem.
Consuming pornography during our formative years obliterates our whole moral imagination and our sense of having a place in the cosmos.
This brings me back to the Pornography-Social Complex: When you combine the dark power of pornography with the seeming omnipresence and algorithmic magic of the social media industry, what you get is a near-invincible monster. A demon that has already begun an almost completely inescapable assault on the souls of the next generation.
If an entire generation lost eros that would spell the end of the Western world.
Fighting Back Starts Now
With his decision this month, Elon Musk has become the world’s biggest distributor of pornography. He has effectively declared war on the future of our civilization.
However, by the time Musk crowned himself king of porn this month, it wasn’t seedy Los Angeles “filmmakers” or flamboyant magazine publishers he was beating out for the title. It was tech executives in Silicon Valley — men like Apple CEO Tim Cook and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg.
These are people who’ve spent years inserting themselves into the mainstream. We consider them inoffensive, unobtrusive — boring even. They govern and shape a tremendous share of our way of life, but they do it stealthily: By occupying the same part of our minds as the guy in beige slacks who fixes the printer. The polo-shirt-wearing desk jockey who keeps the phones working. The IT support staff. (READ MORE: Isn’t It Pride Month?)
That’s why I see a hidden providence in Musk’s tragic decision to promote pornography to children. Unlike other tech moguls, Musk is as shameless as Larry Flynt and as ostentatious as Hugh Hefner. From the perspective of the enemies of the Pornography-Social Complex, he has another happy fault.
The tragic flaw that I believe will lead to Musk’s downfall (and the downfall of the whole complex) is this: Instead of inserting himself into the mainstream, he’s made a point of trying to insert himself into populist and conservative circles by posing as an anti-establishment, anti-leftist leader.
He’s tried to present himself as “one of us” by spouting vague Nietzchean talking points like “Without freedom of speech, we are just slaves in the matrix.”
Without freedom of speech, we are just a slaves in the matrix
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 5, 2024
But, with that clumsy misstep, Musk has put himself front-and-center in the American people’s newly-pitched battle against the “matrix” that is the Pornography-Social Complex.
His primary audience is the very people newly awakened to threats against the innocence of children.
And we will not be fooled.
The post Musk Allows Porn on X. It’s Time to Fight Back. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.