Diablo 4 season 5 PTR patch notes reveal a new endgame roguelite mode and boss, new Uniques, and massive quality-of-life changes like re-playable bosses - Gamesradar
- Diablo 4 season 5 PTR patch notes reveal a new endgame roguelite mode and boss, new Uniques, and massive quality-of-life changes like re-playable bosses Gamesradar
- The Diablo IV Season 5 PTR: What You Need to Know Blizzard News
- "We knew that we needed to build out the endgame, we've heard you — the endgame is important" Diablo 4 is taking us back to Hell for Season 5 Windows Central
- Watch Blizzard detail why the PTR is coming back for Diablo 4's Season 5 VG247
- Diablo 4 Season 5 Is Getting A Vampire Survivors-Inspired Game Mode GameSpot