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Disney VP: 'They're not considering any white males' for hiring


Disneyland is having an "After Dark: Pride Nite" event in June at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. (@Disney / Twitter)

O'Keefe Media Group, which features undercover interviews with newsmakers on key issues, has unleashed a new one about the Disney company, in which a vice president charges the company doesn't look at "white males" for any hiring.

"Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they're not considering any white males for the job," explained Michael Giordano, a vice president of business affairs, said in the video report.

"'There’s no way we’re hiring a white male,'" he claims is the message.

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And there are "code words and buzzwords" to avoid legal action, he said.

In fact, one candidate was rejected for not looking black enough, he said.

Further, he says Disney gives bonuses to executives for pushing the leftist Diversity, Equity, Inclusion ideology.

Disney, moving aggressively to impose a far-left ideology on its media empire in recent years, has watched flop after flop after flop come out of its studios. It engaged in a years-long, and losing, fight with the state of Florida over LGBT promotions.

Its stock, once a most-desired asset, has sunk to middle levels of mediocrity.

A report at HeadlineUSA prompted a social media commenter to explain, "Walt Disney turns over in his grave every day. The leadership of Disney, to enlighten those who failed to take note, began a hard turn to the Left well more than 30 years ago. And despite all the financial issues it has caused since the overwhelming majority of the general population is not in favor of or in agreement with Leftist ideology and policies, Disney management keeps pushing the Leftist agenda. Let them bury the company - as things stand now, no one will miss them."

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