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Governor trashes bill giving detransitioners equal rights


Democrat Katie Hobbs addresses supporters on Election Night, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. (Video screenshot)

The governor of the state of Arizona has vetoed legislation that would have given detransitioners – those victims who were convinced to pursue a life as transgender but now regret it and are reversing their actions – equal rights.

A column at the Washington Stand explains Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, vetoed the state legislature's Detransitioner Bill of Rights.

That would have provided individuals seeking to detransition "the same rights and medical protections as those seeking to transition," the report noted.

Joseph Kohm, of the Family Policy Alliance, explained exactly what Hobbs' attack stops.

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"This bill would help hold the medical professionals and insurance companies that facilitate or perform so-called 'gender transition' surgeries accountable for their predatory actions by requiring them to provide equal coverage for detransition treatments," he explained.

Hobbs, since her election, has been working to promote the transgender ideology, including in her executive orders.

Republicans with narrow majorities in the state Senate and House adopted the new plan to provide equal rights, which would have required insurance contracts "that provide coverage for gender transition procedures may not deny coverage for gender detransition procedures."

State Sen. Janae Shamp, a Republican who sponsored the bill, charged, "If doctors are going to block the natural puberty process of children and surgically alter the genitalia of people struggling with gender dysphoria, they must be prepared to undo the damage — as much as possible.

"And if insurers are going to pay for gender-altering drugs and surgeries, they must also pay for any effort to regain the victim’s God-given identity."

The plan had passed the Senate 16-12 and the House 31-29.

Hobbs failed to explain her veto, other than the cryptic, "This bill is unnecessary and would create a privacy risk for patients."

Family Research Council fellow Walt Heyer, himself a detransitioner, said the equal rights are necessary.

"Many of the people have been radically harmed by … the hormones. … I know from my own experience that it took several years for my body to adjust back to the synthetic natural hormones in my body."

The Stand report continued, "The fact that pro-LGBT lawmakers do not support the Detransitioner Bill of Rights — even to the point that every Democrat in the Arizona legislature voted against it, and the governor vetoed it — is a telling sign that they are not sincerely interested in promoting the well-being of all patients. Instead, they are interested in promoting an ideology with a political agenda. If these ideologues were to recognize the existence and needs of detransitioners, it would undermine their political agenda by demonstrating the shallow logic of transgender ideology and the transitory nature of transgender identity."

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