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Chinese organized crime increasingly becomes an issue in the U.S.


(JUST THE NEWS) – Chinese organized crime is becoming an increasing problem in the United States, with gangs involved in sectors ranging from illicit drugs to fraud.

The Justice Department this week announced that 24 people were charged in connection to a scheme involving Los Angeles-based associates of the Sinaloa drug cartel allegedly conspiring with Chinese underground bankers to launder drug trafficking money in the U.S.

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Since 2021, more than $50 million in drug proceeds have passed between the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most powerful and violent drug trafficking groups in the world, and Chinese underground money laundering, according to the indictment. The Sinaloa Cartel is the primary gang responsible for the recent influx of fentanyl into the U.S., and for the accompanying increase in violence at the U.S.-Mexico border.

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