‘Why do you think you are special?’ Mum of 3 sparks furious debate saying parents of big families ‘deserve tax breaks’
A MUM of three has suggested tax breaks for larger families as a way to boost the economy.
And she thinks having more kids will mean there are more workers available to care for the elderly.
She also thinks it could tackle Britain’s immigration crisis.
But she admits most of her mates don’t want more than two children.
Posting on Mumsnet with the user name WhatTodoAll, she said: “All parties will have to deal with the increasing number of old people and low fertility rate.
“They use this fact to justify big numbers of net migration.
“I was wondering if we as a country should actively provide economical benefits for women to have more than one child?”
She goes on to suggest that other countries offer parents financial incentives to have more than one child.
But she knows many women who say even one child costs too much.
More than a hundred people weighed in on the angry debate, saying her idea only favours the rich.
Her post went on: “In some countries like Singapore there are a lot of economic incentives to have more than 2 kids.
“I have 3 kids myself and I don’t know anyone in my friendship group who would have more than 2.”
Some critics said the idea was unfair on childless or infertile women, while others said having more children means using more public services.
Others slammed the original poster, saying few families can afford for working mums to take three periods of maternity leave without impacting their careers.
Some users suggested it would make more sense to provide better childcare for everyone.
A user called Marblessolve everything said: “The world is overpopulated what you are proposing won’t have the impact you envisage.
“Those who are successful can rarely take three maternities without impacting their career.
“Why would society treat those with children differently to those without.”
MoonshineSon wrote: “Just allow more immigration. The world is hugely overpopulated. Why do we need British babies that are superior anyway?”
Another user called feelingalittlehorse added: “Oh good, now my taxes will also be judged on my fertility (or lack thereof)
“Great idea.
“Any tax changes for the dads?
“Or is it just us wimmin that have failed to produce a suitable number of offspring to please the masses?”
I have two kids - and that's plenty thanks!
I might be glad of a big brood later but for now twins are enough
After my twin sons Felix and Harry were born, I remember well wishers cooing over their cots and asking innocently: “Do you think you’ll have any more?”
If I hadn’t been so exhausted I might have found the energy to laugh out loud.
Two kids, especially if they are close in age, are a lot of work and I think it would take more than a tax break to get many mums to disagree.
I understand that we need more young people in our workforce, but the cost of childcare makes raising more than a couple of kids impossible for many families.
The majority of my mum friends have two kids, and it’s the well off folks who can afford help who have three or four.
Two was certainly enough for us. It meant I only had to take one period of maternity leave, so I could get back to work after a year to help cover the soaring cost of childcare.
Maybe when I’m older I will be glad to be surrounded by adult children who can take care of me for a change, but right now we simply could not afford another baby.
Plus now the boys have finally worked out the beauty of having a long lie in, I can’t think of anything worse than going back to the sleepless nights and dirty nappy stage.