News in English

Opinion: GOP Pushes the Ten Commandments but Ignores Jesus’ Actual Teachings

Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast

Thanks to a new law, Louisiana classrooms are slated to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom in the state. As a father who sends his children to Christian schools, you might not be surprised to learn that I endorse this message.

To be sure, there are reasonable concerns about blurring the separation of church and state, and there will no doubt be court challenges. Likewise, I have no doubt that the same people applauding this decision would be up in arms if, say, a Dearborn, Michigan, school district decided to post some comparable verse from the Koran.

But it’s hard to see how posting this text (which has both a moral and historical component) constitutes some major affront to the sensibilities of Louisiana families, much less the Constitution. And if it does, then we should acknowledge that this revelation is a relatively new development, and that our past leaders (including liberal Democrats) would be shocked by this secular interpretation.

Read more at The Daily Beast.