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How to find a work-life balance and stick to it? 


When you have a feeling that work has replaced everything in your life, it’s not a good signal. More and more employees say that they are out of the work-life balance as they don’t have time for breaks, home routine, or something they may want to do. You may have plans for the following day or even a week, but you focus on your job and forget about everything else. That’s not how it works.  

Being a prisoner of your responsibilities is not an option, and you should maintain a work-life balance. With a balance in your life, you ensure your physical and mental health are good, which gives you motivation and desire to keep working and avoid emotional burnout. Still, it’s easier to say than do. It’s essential not only to declare but also to have steps to take to achieve your goals. In this article, we will review the most effective steps you should take to find work-life balance and stick to it.  

Set clear goals and plan ahead

A plan for a week or even for a day allows you to combine all the activities: work, training, social activities, leisure, etc. When it’s chaos in your daily schedule, you may jump from one task to another trying to complete everything on time. Instead, with a clear plan of what to do during the day, you will know how much time you have for every task. For example, if you know that your work ends at 5 p.m. and you have a training session at 6 p.m., you have enough time to get to the gym, dress up, and do the warm-up. 

Planning also increases productivity. When you have clear time frames for each task, you won’t have a desire to stretch the time. You know that every distraction like feed scrolling or chatting with friends wastes your time. If you spend five to ten minutes doing so, you won’t finish everything in time. So, you have to focus on the task and distract yourself only when it’s done. 

If you have a free work schedule, ensure you work no longer than 8 hours. If you work overtime once, you will adapt to it and keep doing it again, which is not good for professional essay writing service. Set a timer, and when the time ends, stop at a certain point and take a rest. 

Plan your vacation

Weekends and days off are good, but vacation gives you time to rest and recover completely. You don’t think about work and focus on mental and physical health. You sleep well, eat well, read books, watch movies, spend time outside of your house, and so on. To ensure you won’t waste time during the vacation, create a plan. Think of where you want to go and what you want to see so you won’t miss anything. For example, if you want to go abroad, book a room in a hotel, look for airplane tickets, and plan your budget. 

Create a personal schedule and stick to it

Default’s 9-5 schedule is not bad, but it doesn’t work for everyone. If you are a freelancer or your position allows flexibility, use it to your advantage and create a personal schedule. For example, some people like to start working at 8 a.m. and finish at 4-5 p.m., which gives them plenty of free time at the end of the day. If you want to have free time during the day, set breaks around lunchtime and do something you want. Analyze your personal preferences and think about what you need time for during the day. 

Find a hobby

When focused only on work, people lose interest in simple activities. They avoid reading books, drawing, listening to podcasts, etc. This has bad consequences because individuals start feeling like squirrels in a wheel. They face emotional burnout and have low productivity, which doesn’t give them a chance to improve as professionals. How to escape that?  

Find a hobby and make it a part of your life. It could be reading, puzzle solving, podcast listening, or something else. Just ensure you find something you enjoy and what brings you positive emotions. When doing your hobby, you distract yourself from work and get more energy. Later, when you get back to work, you don’t feel overtired because the focus was turned on something else, and now you are ready to keep going.

Find a sense of purpose

One of the biggest problems people face when having no work-life balance is losing a sense of purpose. They keep working without understanding why they do this. To earn money? That may be a point, but money is only a resource to accomplish goals. So, how can you find a sense of purpose to build a work-life balance: 

  • Join the volunteering center. Activists and volunteers who help homeless people or save animals always need help and resources. You can join them after work, during the weekend, or anytime you want.
  • Donate. Decide how much money you want to spend helping others. There are hundreds of charity organizations that fund fundraising in humanitarian areas (for example, recovering buildings damaged by natural disasters).

Joining such activities will bring meaning to your life, making you more energetic and alive. You will understand that everything you are doing and working on is not pointless, and it gives the real result. 


People who work a lot and don’t see far more than their monitors often struggle because of loneliness and anxiety. They have zero communication with others, which later leads to mental health problems. How to avoid that? Hang out with friends and join social activities (quizzes, volunteering, etc.). You will meet people with the same interests and goals, and you will definitely find what to discuss. Still, don’t force yourself to talk if you don’t want to. Communicate with people you find interesting. 

Work-life balance is key to stable mental health, normal sleep, and a stable income, and it also reduces stress. Everything is achievable if you start with small steps and keep consistency to build a balance between work and life. You are a human, not a robot, so don’t let your job take over you.