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What Does a Credit Card Suspension Mean? | Capital One

October 19, 2023 |4 min readIt could happen to anyone: You try to use your credit card and it’s declined. It might be because your card has been suspended, which is when a credit card issuer has temporarily locked or frozen an account.Learn the reasons a credit card account might be suspended or restricted. And get the lowdown on potential fixes and impacts on credit scores.Key takeaways Credit card charges might be declined if your credit card has been suspended or restricted. Your credit card might be suspended or restricted because the card hasn’t been activated, there have been unusual transactions or payments are late. It’s a good idea to contact your credit card issuer to learn why your card has been suspended or restricted. Credit card suspension on its own may not affect your credit scores. But your scores could be affected if your credit card suspension is related to late payments or the suspension results in your account being closed. Monitor your credit for free Join the mil...