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Senator demands to know why Biden has 'campaign signs' at tax-funded projects


U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, speaks at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020 (RNC video screenshot)

Joe Biden is being accused of using federal money to promote his 2024 re-election campaign with "campaign signs" at various tax-funded projects.

The guidelines from the federal government for signs push the narrative "Project funded by President Joe Biden's … [law]."

In fact, while taxes paid by Joe Biden may be an infinitesimally small part of those payments, they actually are funded by taxpayers at large – everyone paying taxes.

Yet the "Guidelines" for the project signs suggest it is thanks to Biden.

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The Washington Examiner notes Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, is demanding an explanation.

The report said, "In a letter sent Thursday to Shalanda Young, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Ernst said she was surprised to learn that the Biden administration has been 'strongly encouraging' federal agencies to post signs alongside projects 'declaring they were funded, not by taxpayers, but President Joe Biden.'"

"Political campaign signs are not infrastructure," Ernst said. "President Biden is clearly using the 'Bipartisan Infrastructure Law' as a piggy bank to pay for partisan pork projects to aid his re-election while real infrastructure, like roads and bridges, are crumbling before our eyes."

"Who would have ever guessed the meaning [of infrastructure] would be stretched so far as to include public financing for the president’s own campaign infrastructure?" Ernst scolded in the letter.

"Yet, at the White House’s direction, the Department of Transportation, Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other agencies are treating taxpayer money like campaign donations, purchasing and placing thousands of campaign signs along roadsides and other public works sites."

Ernst told Young she wants details about the number of Biden "campaign" signs bought by taxpayers, the cost to design, produce and install them, and a determination whether they actually are part of a scheme to use government money for political purposes.

It's not the only fight that has erupted over the apparent use of tax resources to aid Biden's political campaign. Ernst was joined by Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, earlier in demanding answers from the Small Business Administration about its "aggressive voter registration initiative" in Michigan, where Biden's support is falling.

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