News in English

NATO agrees on new head


NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium(RT) – Caretaker prime minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte has been tapped to become the next secretary-general of NATO. He will succeed Jens Stoltenberg, who has overseen the US-led bloc since 2014. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis had announced his candidacy for the job in March, six months after Rutte began his campaign, but notified…

NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium
NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

(RT) – Caretaker prime minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte has been tapped to become the next secretary-general of NATO. He will succeed Jens Stoltenberg, who has overseen the US-led bloc since 2014.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis had announced his candidacy for the job in March, six months after Rutte began his campaign, but notified the bloc on Thursday that he was withdrawing from consideration.

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Only Hungary had endorsed Iohannis, but Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on Tuesday that he had reached an agreement with Rutte. Another holdover, Slovakia, quickly followed suit.

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