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Wuthering Waves Chord Cleansing event – what is it and when does it end?


With Wuthering Waves 1.1 not far off now, Kuro Games has dropped a week-long event that you should definitely jump in on to prep yourself for the new WuWa version. But what is Chrod Cleansing, what are the rewards and when does it finish? Let’s dig a little deeper and bring together everything we know so far.

WuWa Chord Cleansing event

There are some healthy resources available in the Chord Cleansing event so it is definitely worth your while. There will be three double drop chances each day for Tacet Fields

If you are Union Level 19 or above the Waveplate charge stays at 60 but you will double your UEXP to 900 from the regular 450 so if you are brand new you may not feel the full benefits. If you are just trying to get yourself some extra resources to get 1.1 ready, this is a great opportunity.

Chord Cleansing rewards

  • Double Echo EXP items, or Sealed Tubes
  • Double Echoes
  • Double Tuners
  • Double Shell Credits / Intimacy
  • Double Union EXP

With all the rewards being doubled for a week it is a great time to hammer in some play time to climb those levels.

Chord Cleansing start and end times

Chord Cleansing started today (20th June) and will run for a week and end at server reset time on 27th June.

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