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'The worst': Trump flips out on Fox News after new poll shows Biden surging past him


Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump lashed out at Fox News and demanded former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be booted from the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, the former president was on the warpath again after a Fox News poll showed President Joe Biden surging past him among voters.

In The Paul Ryan post, Trump wrote, "Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors."

Then late Wednesday, the conservative network reported their latest polling showed Biden moving ahead before November's election.

According to the poll conducted between June 14-17, "Since May, there was a 3-point change in the presidential race. Trump was ahead by 1 point last month, while Biden is up by 2 points today: 50%-48%. That’s well within the margin of error."

Add to that, Forbes is reporting, "The two are tied in a PBS/Marist poll released Tuesday that found Trump has lost six points with independents compared to the groups’ May survey taken before his conviction, while Biden has gained eight points and now leads Trump by two points among independents."

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That bad news for Trump led him to lash out on Thursday morning.

"Fox News Polls are always the worst for me. They have been from the beginning, and always will be!" he wrote early Thursday morning.

He followed that up by praising Fox Business personality Maria Bartiromo, writing, "Great Interview by Maria Bartiromo of Congressman Keith Self of Texas. Keith really knows his 'stuff,'" and then the convicted felon Trump added, "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me because his administration has been such a failure. Never happened in our Country before!"