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World Refugee Day: WBSC reaffirms commitment to positively impacting lives of refugees worldwide

To mark World Refugee Day on 20 June, the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) has reiterated its commitment to providing hope and uniting communities, particularly through the integration of Baseball5 into the Azraq and Souf Refugee Camps and beyond.

Baseball5 hasproven to be a key vehicle in helping the WBSC positively impact the lives ofrefugees, promoting integration and inclusion. Accessibility is one of the keyreasons behind the creation of Baseball5, which only requires a ball to playand is a youth-focused, inclusive game that anyone can #playeverywhere.

In 2023, the
WBSC introduced the sport to the Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan, offeringdisplaced individuals both hope and opportunity. Last year, the WBSC alsoinaugurated a new Baseball5 field in the Azraq Camp, where qualified coachesconduct weekly training sessions with displaced children, and games againstother local teams are organised.

Plans are also wellunderway for a Baseball5 Refugee Team to compete at the Youth Olympic GamesDakar 2026, alongside various opportunities for the team to participate intraining camps and tournaments outside of Jordan.

Having celebrated its one-year anniversary at the beginning of this year, the Azraq Baseball5 Refugee project continues to have a meaningful impact on the lives of many young refugees and their families.

The WBSC is alsoa proud member of the UNHCR and International Olympic Committee (IOC) “SportsCoalition.” Through its work in Jordan, the WBSC is actively fulfilling itspledge by promoting and ensuring access for refugees to safe and inclusivesporting facilities. 

Additionally, the WBSC created the Legacy Club in 2023, enabling an increase in efforts and expanding support for Baseball5 activities in the Souf Camp with the help of Maher's Foundation, home to a large number of Palestinian refugees.

WBSC President
Riccardo Fraccari said:

“Sport has thepower to transcend barriers and bring hope where it is most needed. On WorldRefugee Day, we at the WBSC are proud to harness the accessibility of Baseball5to provide hope and opportunity. These efforts are about building communities,fostering inclusion and positively impacting the lives of refugees throughsport.

“As we moveforward, our commitment remains steadfast - to ensure that everyone, no matterwhere they come from, has the chance to engage, participate and thrive throughour sport.”