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‘MasterChef’ season 14 episode 4 recap: ‘Gen X Auditions’ with guest judge Christine Hà [LIVE BLOG]


Season 14 of “MasterChef” brings together amateur cooks from four generations – Millennials, Baby Boomers, Gen Z and Gen X – to prove that age does not matter in the kitchen.

Tonight, the Gen X chefs are next up in the audition round. Each contestant has 45 minutes to prepare a signature dish that will impress Gordon Ramsay, Aarón SánchezJoe Bastianich and guest judge Christine Hà and secure a spot in the top 20 in the all-new “Gen X Auditions” episode of “MasterChef: Generations” airing Wednesday, June 19 (8:00-9:02 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

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8:00 p.m. — Previously on “MasterChef”! In the Episode 3, Gen Z auditioned with their best signature dishes. In the end, five chefs advanced to the Top 20: Adam, Becca, Fatima, Hallie and Murt. Let’s see which Gen X contestants will join them!

8:05 p.m. — Joining as guest judge tonight is a fan favorite from the “MasterChef” family — Season 3 champ Christine Hà. She’s a Gen X-er who has gone on to achieve great success since her time in the MasterChef kitchen. Gen X happens to also be the generation Gordon, Aarón and Joe are all part of. This generation is in their early 40s to late 50s. They’ve seen the birth of the internet, the fall of the Berlin wall and they’ve watched a lot of MTV. Christine says Gen X learned from parents, grandparents, cookbooks and reading print. They didn’t really have the internet as a resource. She describes it as “cooking from the soul.”

8:15 p.m. — First up is Scott, a 54-year-old business consultant from Southlake, Texas. He was a latchkey kid who learned to cook in high school after he’d come home from sports practices starving. “I learned to cook out of necessity,” he declares. Cooking is his passion and in his blood. Scott’s great-grandfather, Billy McKinnon, was a restaurateur from 1914-1930 in Houston and Dallas. Scott’s dream is to bring the family business back, and open a restaurant on McKinnon Street, which is named for his great-grandfather. He serves a Mustard-Fried Venison Backstrap with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans and Southern Cream Gravy. It’s beautifully breaded and Gordon loves the color. He also loves the texture of the breading, but calls it “a little bland.” Still, it’s a yes from Gordon. Christine doesn’t think the venison works in this dish and feels like the cream gravy wasn’t savory enough. It’s a no from Christine. Aarón calls it a “pleasurable bite” and he believes in Scott. With Joe as the final word, he complains the dish is missing salt before Gordon begins fighting for Scott’s apron. Joe doesn’t give in and denies Scott the apron — a crushing blow to the Texan.

8:25 p.m.Kimberly is a 52-year-old high school English teacher from Auburn, California. She’s been a teacher for 29 years, but says she’s a “garden cook” at heart. She hopes to show the judges that “vegetables can be sexy” and stand alone against some of those protein plates. She serves an Herb Crusted Cauliflower Steak with Sautéed Green Beans & Tomatoes with Tarragon Chimichurri Sauce. The cook says she’s not a vegetarian, but she’s “really health conscious.” Gordon thinks it looks delicious, but Joe complains it doesn’t feel like an entree. It’s more like a “side veg.” Christine says the dish showcases Kimberly’s love for vegetables and appreciates her use of tarragon. It’s a yes from Christine. Joe is surprised by how much he likes it and says yes as well. Aarón thinks the green beans are undercooked and says no. Left in Gordon’s hands, he thanks Kimberly for a delicious vegetarian dish and hands her the night’s first apron.

8:30 p.m.Arthur is a 49-year-old ad agency managing partner from Malibu, California. He’s creative for work and when he cooks, he’s creative in the kitchen. Feeling he’s done all he can do in advertising, Arthur wants to transition his work to his passion for cooking. He serves the judges Olive Oil Poached Sea Bass with Crispy Bok Choy, Dashi and Oolong Tea Foam. Gordon calls the presentation “captivating” and isn’t surprised Arthur works in advertising. Christine calls it a “pleasant dish” with “finesse,” giving it a yes. Aarón loves the Bok Choy and the cook on the sea bass, also saying yes. Gordon gives it a “big, resounding yes.” and Joe concurs. Arthur looks like a real contender!

8:40 p.m.Soren is briefly shown in a stressful cook before serving up Stuffed Milkfish with Ground Pork, Mixed Vegetables, Fish Sauce and Steamed Rice. The fish looks a “little beat up” and “bizarre.” It’s a no. Hoping for better results is Sunshine, a 50-year-old yoga instructor from Portland, Oregon. She is Lakota Sioux and grew up participating in powwows. She wastes NO ingredients and uses every part of an animal when she cooks. She serves Pan-Seared Halibut with Summer Succotash and Creamy Polenta. It’s “popping” visually and Aarón calls it simplistic, yet complex. Christine calls it “well-balanced” and a “celebration of corn.” Gordon’s halibut was dry, but he loved the succotash. Joe thought the dish was awesome. With three yeses, Sunshine earns the night’s third apron.

8:45 p.m.Marie is a 43-year-old network defense executive from Westminster, Maryland. She’s a firecracker of a personality, saying Gen X is the generation you’re not supposed to hear from, “but you’re gonna hear from me.” She met her husband in the military and her passion for cooking started when she had kids. Marie wanted to make sure they had sit-down meals together. She serves the judges Fried Soft-Shell Crab with Roasted Beets, Sautéed Green Beans & Bacon and Red Pepper & Horseradish Aioli. Joe is concerned with the dark brown color, saying he’s not sure if it’s what she crusted the crab with or if she overcooked them. Christine says there is too much batter on the crab and the dish doesn’t work for her. Joe says it is a great example of frying something the wrong way. Marie is rejected.

8:50 p.m.Chris is a 45-year-old real estate investor/contractor from Mobile, Alabama. He lives in Alabama now, but his roots are in Louisiana. He’s used to cooking fresh sea food and serves up Seared Jumbo Shrimp with Smoked Gouda Grits and Blackberry Gastrique. Aarón is “pleasantly surprised” that the blackberry gastrique worked. The shrimp are delicate and sweet. Gordon says the shrimp are cooked beautifully, but there’s too much gouda. Joe likes Chris and likes the dish, but it’s all “too much.” Christine says the flavors are there, but the dish could be “more refined.” All but Joe say yes, giving Chris the night’s fourth apron.

9:00 p.m.Daniela is a 52-year-old reiki master from Tehachapi, California. She grew up in Mexico and her dish tonight is close to her heart. Daniela says she’s waited way too long to pursue her dreams of cooking. “It’s what lights me up,” she says. She serves the judges Chiles En Nogada with Sherry & Pomegranate Reduction and Almond & Pine Nut White Sauce. It looks like Christmas on a plate. Gordon calls the colors “stunning” and can’t wait to dive in. The dish is “packed with flavor” and a “celebration,” but needs a touch more seasoning. It’s a big YES from Gordon. Christine likes the different textures and says yes as well. Aarón says the dish makes him proud to be Mexican. Joe calls it “authentic, flavorful and soulful.” Daniela snags the night’s final white apron with high marks all around. To cap things off, Daniela’s partner Rick proposes to her in front of the live audience. It’s Daniela herself who gives the final “YES” in this audition phase.

9:02 p.m. — Briefly recapping the night, the five chefs representing Gen X this season are Arthur, Chris, Daniela, Kimberly and Sunshine. Next week we’ll see the generations go head-to-head for the first time as the Top 20 face their first Mystery Box Challenge.