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Wakefield Trinity • Re: Rodwell

Spookisback wrote:

My first thought was he lost the ball… and the close up (magnification) seemed to confirm that to me… funny how different people see different things!?!

However he didn’t kick the ball away and his approach to the referee seemed controlled… odd sin binning

That make 2 people .

If you play it frame by frame you can see a couple of his fingers bent on the ball when grounded. The reason why it shoots forwards a bit rather than straight upwards I presume.

Strange but had a few conversations today and all said you can see his fingers on the ball.

Definitely an odd sin binning though. Was very quick to send him and not even entertain a word from the player at all.

Let’s hope we don’t have many more controversial moments.

Might be my perspective but most weeks we seem to be on wrong end of the refs whistle. Not sure why because other teams lately seem to be trying to wrestle and slow us down. It appears we are trying to play SL pace in patches but the refs aren’t reffing to the same they would a SL match and tend to be allowing more laying on and messing about. The players recently seem to be getting frustrated they aren’t allowed quick plays.

Statistics: Posted by Trojan Horse — Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:00 pm