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Biden losing the young, blacks and women, makes play for the 'geezer' vote


The beleaguered presidential campaign of Joe Biden, facing losing support from young voters, black voters, even women voters in some polls, and trailing GOP challenger President Donald Trump in most polls including those in swing states, apparently is turning its focus onto another age group, hoping to win the White House with the "geezer" vote.

At 81, and to be 82 about the time of the coming election, Biden appears to be looking for election help from his contemporaries.

That assessment comes from a report in Axios, which reveals that since 2000, the senior vote has belonged to Republicans.

The report cites a New York Times/Siena poll that suggests some of those older people are moving to Biden's camp this year.

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Importantly, the report notes, the senior vote is a group "that consistently votes at higher rates than any other demographic."

While President Trump, the report notes, "appears to be making stunning gains of his own among young voters," although it admits "the polls could still be wrong," it suggests that seniors considering "old-school respect for institutions and distaste for Trump's unorthodox style," are moving to Biden. Another theory? "Hippies got old."

The report claims NYT/Siena puts Biden with a 9-point lead over Trump in a head-to-head among likely voters 65 and older.

That was similar to a Quinnipiac poll weeks ago.

The report noted while 10% of those ages 18-34 said democracy was the most urgent issue facing voters, that number was 35% for those ages 65 and up.

Biden's attack has included claims that Republicans are eyeing cuts to Social Security and Medicare, claims that GOP candidates have rejected as false.

Biden's outreach, the report explained "includes bingo nights and pickleball tournaments, ads on daytime television and more.

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