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Ben Carson calls Biden a 'danger': 'Would you even want this guy driving the school bus?'


President Joe Biden is too much of a "danger" to be allowed to remain in the office of the presidency.

That's according to former President Donald Trump's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who talked about the race featuring his old boss on the far-right Newsmax network.

"We know the people around him know [he is in decline], we know his family knows," said Carson, a former neurosurgeon who is reportedly in contention to be Trump's running mate this year. "His wife knows it and yet they still push him forward, recognizing the danger that it puts us in as a nation."

"He's in charge of the safety of our population. Really?" said Carson. "I mean, would you even want this guy driving the school bus that your child was on? This is a serious issue. Anyone who would put the danger of our nation on the back burner and put their political fortunes on the front burner is not your friend," Carson said. "It's not somebody that you want to get behind."

Republicans have been light on evidence to support the idea Biden, despite his advanced age, is in cognitive decline.

But that hasn't stopped right-wing media sources from increasingly relying on so-called "cheapfakes" — edited and cropped footage of the president — to deceptively imply he is spacing out or losing focus. A cropped video shared by the right-leaning New York Post appeared to show Biden wandering away from foreign leaders at the G7 summit, when in reality he was interacting with paratroopers off-screen.

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Carson, who also ran for president in 2016 before Trump tapped him for HUD, was involved in a number of scandals over alleged misuse of department funds, including his acquisition of a $31,000 dining room set that was paid for with federal dollars.

Biden and Trump are set to face off in their first debate next week, and according to reports, Trump is nervous that the low expectations his associates have set for Biden with their relentless mockery of his age could backfire.