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Candidate for Albany County DA talks issues


ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – Early voting is underway for the June 25th primary. One of the biggest races in the Capital Region is for Albany County District Attorney.

Incumbent David Soares is being challenged by fellow democrat and defense attorney Lee Kindlon. The race has created a divide between area democrats.

Kindlon says he ultimately wants to see changes to bail reform but in the meantime adds there are still measures the office can take to keep people safe. "Be more aggressive when it comes to locking up people accused of violent crimes, people accused of sex crimes, domestic violence," said Kindlon.

Kindlon says electronic monitoring devices can also be used to protect the victims. He adds these are, "some tools that we have that weren't available to us five years ago. "We have to use the laws to the best of our ability," said Kindlon.

He sat down with News10 to discuss the issues facing the DA's office.