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Judge rules on Planned Parenthood demand to dismiss trafficking claims


A judge has rejected a demand from Planned Parenthood that a child-trafficking case be dismissed.

Missouri state Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced on social media, "BREAKING: The judge has DENIED Planned Parenthood’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit against them for trafficking minors out of state to obtain abortions. One step closer to eradicating Planned Parenthood from the State of Missouri."

A report from Just the News said the allegations are that the abortion industry moneymaker "traffics minors out of state to obtain abortions."

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The lawsuit, filed earlier this year, accuses the Great Plains chapter of the abortion corporation of being able to take minors across state lines to obtain abortions without parental consent.

"The lawsuit accuses the Great Plains chapter of unlawful behavior, allegedly captured on camera, of staffers taking minors across state lines to get an abortion procedure without parental knowledge," the report explained.

The video, from undercover investigators and reporters with Project Veritas, appeared to show a conversation between a Planned Parenthood employee and someone asking about an abortion for a 13-year-old.

Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Emily Wales said the organization "will continue following state and federal laws and proudly providing Missourians with the compassionate sexual and reproductive care that remains available to them in a state with a total abortion ban."

A report from KMOX earlier explained that Planned Parent claims the entire situation wasn't real.

Officials with the abortion company told Judge Brouck Jacobs, "There is no allegation that any child, any minor has been taken across state lines; there’s no allegation that any parent has complained. There’s no allegation that any abortion has been performed either in Missouri or outside of Missouri, with or without parental consent here. The whole conversation is hypothetical."

Prosecutors responded that while the situation may have been hypothetical, Planned Parenthood's worker thought it was real and based the responses on that.

The video shows a man taping the conversation telling Planned Parenthood's worker that the girl's "parents" couldn't learn of an abortion, and, the report confirmed, "Staff then directed him to their affiliate clinics in Kansas where they said he could 'bypass' parental consent."

The report continued, "When the man asked how often girls go out of state for abortions, the Planned Parenthood employee said it happens 'every day.'"

The state's law says, "No one shall intentionally cause aid or assist a minor to obtain an abortion."

The KMOX report continued, "The attorney general’s office argued that the Missouri clinic still aided in a hypothetical abortion, pointing to a point in the video where the employee says 'we can cut off our letterhead so it doesn’t even say where she was,' in reference to a doctor’s note in order to miss school. The employee also says that Planned Parenthood often sets up hotels for those who need to travel out of state."

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