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House China committee chair backs Mike Rogers in Michigan Senate race


Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Mich.), who chairs the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, announced on Wednesday he was endorsing former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) in the Michigan Senate race

"There's no doubt Michigan will be the center of attention this November, and with an open Senate seat, we as Republicans have a unique opportunity to elect a strong conservative to represent us in the Senate,” Moolenaar said in a statement shared through the Rogers campaign.

“We need a candidate who will get the job done, and I can think of no better person for the job than Mike Rogers,” he continued. “Mike has a long and respected record of serving our nation and fighting for Michigan, holding China and our enemies accountable, and delivering real results for families. I'm honored to endorse my friend, Mike Rogers, for the U.S. Senate." 

Rogers, who was a former chair on the House Intelligence Committee, in his own statement said he was “humbled” to have Moolenaar’s endorsement, calling him “a fierce advocate for our state in Congress and a leader on taking on China.” 

Rogers is expected to take on Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) for the race to replace retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.). In March, Rogers won former President Trump’s endorsement in a boost to his campaign. 

While polling has shown President Biden and Trump neck and neck in the Great Lakes State, recent polling has shown Slotkin and Rogers either tied or with Slotkin edging ahead the Republican.  

The nonpartisan election handicapper Cook Political Report rates the seat “lean Democrat.”