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What Trump is looking for in a VP is not a replacement


Donald Trump is indulging his second-rate reality show roots by declaring that he will name his running mate at the Republican National Convention—an appearance that could be coming live from Rikers Island

According to most news outlets, the list of potential vice presidential candidates holds eight names. But based on a flurry of behind-the-scenes paperwork, four are thought to be in the lead: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance. 

When most presidential candidates go shopping for a running mate, there are a couple of qualifications at the top of the list. First, they seek out someone who bolsters them in some critical political area—more liberal, more conservative, from a swing state, etc. That political boost is often the most important factor because it doesn’t matter what wonderful ideas you might have if you can’t win the election.

Second, most presidential candidates look for someone who could step up to lead the party, keep policy moving in the right direction, and sustain their legacy when they're no longer behind the Resolute Desk. They look for someone who might not agree with them on every issue but is simpatico in the broad scope. 

But these are not Trump’s concerns. He's not looking for a replacement because he never expects to be replaced. Still, he does have some very big items on his shopping list.