Senator Dumbass Applauds Tax-Free Tipping
Trump went to Nevada recently and tried his damndest to bribe people for their votes. As noted by many, his proposal to exempt service workers from paying taxes on their tips would blow a $250 billion hole in the federal deficit over the next 10 years. Trump also recently proposed to lower the corporate tax to 20% which would also blow another $250 billion in the deficit. So neither proposal is fiscally responsible, which is ironic because a lot of Republicans pretend they're "fiscal conservatives" and "deficit hawks" when they're anything but. ("Fiscal Conservative" is basically an oxymoron these days.)
Getting back to Senator Dumbass Tommy Tuberville, his remarks to Larry Kudlow's question seemed to show he either didn't understand the proposal or thought he'd no longer have to fork out an additional 15% on his bill at 5-star Michelin-rated restaurants he likes to frequent as if that matters when its taxpayers who always pick up his tab.
Source: Raw Story