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RoJo Wants Garland Arrested So They Can Get Tapes For Campaign Ads


Sen. Ron Johnson wants Garland arrested for inherent contempt. Someone wake me up when he mentions the name Jim Jordan.

Here's RoJo on Newsmax TV this Monday, pushing their latest false equivalence that Merrick Garland refusing to release the audio tape, after previously releasing the transcript of the right wing hit job on Biden that they desperately want so they can make campaign ads out of it, is the same as Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon just completely snubbing their noses at their Congressional subpoenas, and demanding that he be arrested for inherent contempt:

SCHMITT: They went after Bannon and Navarro and their subpoenas for those two men came from a crooked committee, as we've said before, which should have never even had subpoena power to begin with. And Navarro's in jail right now.

JOHNSON: Well, let's face it, January 6th Committee was corrupt. It was highly partisan. But, you know, we've got a real problem here in terms of Congress's oversight capabilities. We are vested in the Constitution with the responsibility to conduct oversight, hold the administration accountable.

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