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Four-time medallist and debutant head leading nation’s Olympic list – but champion likely to miss out

Michael Jung and FischerChipmunk FRH will head to Paris with the German team.

The German Olympic eventing team for the Paris Games is likely to be headed by four-time Olympic medallist Michael Jung – but reigning Olympic champion Julia Krajewski will probably miss out on selection.

The German longlist has been named in three blocks in order of likely preference; the final team will be chosen after Aachen (2-7 July). Block 1 – the probable team – consists of Michael and FischerChipmunk FRH, their Tokyo team-mates and world team gold medallists Sandra Auffarth and Viamant Du Matz and Olympic debutant Christoph Wahler with Carjatan S, who were on the German team at the 2022 worlds and the 2023 Europeans and are now set to make their Olympic debut.

Julia Krajewski is the reigning Olympic champion, taking gold in Tokyo with Amande De B’Neville, who is now retired, but is likely to miss out on defending her title as she is only named in block 3 this time with her current top ride Nickel.

German Olympic eventing team

Block 1 (alphabetical)

Sandra Auffarth with 15-year-old gelding Viamant Du Matz
Owner: Nikolaus Prinz Von Croy
Breeder: Roger Sevette (FRA)
Breeding: by Diamant De Semilly out of a mare by Voltigeur Le Malin

Michal Jung with 16-year-old FischerChipmunk FRH
German Olympic committee for equestrian sport, Klaus and Sabine Fischer, Hilmer Meyer-Kulenkampff
Breeder: ZG Meyer-Kulenkampff
Breeding: by Contendro I out of a mare by Heraldik

Christoph Wahler with 15-year-old Carjatan S
Owners: Lena Thoenies and rider
Breeder: Carl-Friedrich Soehrmann
Breeding: by Clearway out of a mare by Galant Vert

Block 2 (ranked)

Malin Hansen-Hotopp with Carlitos Quidditch K
Jérôme Robiné with Black Ice

Block 3 (alphabetical)

Nicolai Aldinger with Timmo
Calvin Böckmann with The Phantom Of The Opera
Michael Jung with Kilcandra Ocean Power
Julia Krajewski with Nickel
Dirk Schrade with Casino
Anna Siemer with Butts Avondale FRH.
Christoph Wahler with D’Accord FRH.

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