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President Fraccari hosts IOC Executive Board Member and Jordan Olympic Committee President HRH Prince Feisal at WBSC Headquarters

The two leaders discussed Baseball5’s growing popularity around the world including its inclusion at the Youth Olympic Games Senegal 2026 and its introduction into the Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan.

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<p>HRH Prince

Feisal Al Hussein, President of the Jordan Olympic Committee and an

International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) Member, visited the

World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) Headquarters to meet with WBSC

President Riccardo Fraccari on 14 June 2024.</p>

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the final day of the IOC EB meeting, HRH Prince Feisal met with President

Fraccari to discuss the continued cooperation of the WBSC and Jordan Olympic

Committee as Baseball5 continues to grow in Jordan.</p>

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<p>The two leaders discussed Baseball5’s introduction into the Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan and the work of WBSC Legacy Club in promoting the discipline. This initiative aims to provide a source of joy, physical activity and community for the camp's residents, especially the youth. Both Prince Feisal and President Fraccari share a vision of how sport can play a transformative role in bringing hope and unity to displaced populations. </p>

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significant portion of the discussion focused on the upcoming Youth Olympic

Games Dakar 2026 and the inclusion of Baseball5 in the competition programme,

as confirmed during the IOC EB meeting. Both leaders expressed their enthusiasm

for the sport's potential to engage young athletes and promote the values of

gender balance, accessibility and low-cost participation.</p>

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<p>Furthermore, the meeting celebrated the inauguration of the Jordan Baseball Federation as the WBSC’s newest member federation. Prince Feisal outlined the federation's aims to develop Baseball, Softball and Baseball5 across Jordan, fostering local talent and increasing the sport's popularity. President Fraccari assured full support from the WBSC in these endeavours, emphasising the importance of global cooperation in sports development.</p>

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