'Profoundly wrong': Italy PM blocks Biden's abortion-for-all agenda
Giorgia Meloni
A conservative Italian leader, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, is being credited for blunting and blocking Joe Biden's agendas for abortion and LGBT ideology at a recent meeting of the G7.
A report in the Washington Stand explains that Biden, bent on pushing his social agendas to the entire globe, was stymied by Meloni's actions, including her description of Biden's efforts to promote anti-family ideologies for political reasons as "profoundly wrong."
"I believe it is profoundly wrong, in difficult times like these, to campaign using a precious forum like the G7," she said.
Biden had demanded a promise that the nations would promote abortion-on-demand, part of what he claims is "sexual and reproductive health."
Such a commitment was in last year's statement that came out of meetings in Japan, which affirmed a commitment "to achieving comprehensive SRHR [Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights] for all, including by addressing access to safe and legal abortion and post abortion care."
That was dropped from this year's statement, mentioning only support for universal access to adequate, affordable, and quality health services…."
The New York Times said Biden insisted on including a specific demand for "reproductive rights," but since G7 statements are by consensus, Meloni's opposition kept Biden's agenda promotion at a minimum.
The Stand explained, "Experts say the controversy reveals Western secular leaders’ myopic focus on promoting social issues. 'The very fact of tension over whether abortion was to be included in the G7 statement gives you a sense of the priorities of those Western nations pushing for it to be included,' Travis Weber, vice president for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. 'The G7 is supposed to be looking out for the good of the international order, not jamming social policy through international agreements to be imposed on unwilling nations with quasi-religious fervor. It’s a sign of the times that the West is now known for this, to our increasing shame.'"
Another report, from Bloomberg News, explained Meloni also removed a comment to "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" from the final release.
Meloni's office said there was no controversy, as such arguments didn't happen at the summit.
And her office also denied the Bloomberg claims.
Still, the Stand confirmed, "French President Emmanuel Macron complained openly of the abortion removal. 'France has a vision of equality between women and men, but it’s not a vision shared by all the political spectrum.'"
Meloni's pro-family reputation is based on several factors, including that her parliament adopted an amendment that lets trained pro-life advocates “with a qualified experience supporting motherhood” to counsel abortion-minded women inside Italian abortion facilities.
She also has tried to boost her nation's birth rate, denounced surrogacy, rejects gender ideology and has been watching her party gain legislative seats.
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