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'Gone too far': Public fed up with trans insanity, survey shows


A new survey, the 2024 British Social Attitudes assessment, has discovered a stunning plunge in support by the public for the transgender ideology, those beliefs that claim that men can become women, or vice versa, by simply declaring the change.

The Christian Institute notes that the new results, compared to 2019, show "twice as many Brits say those who claim to be the opposite sex should not be allowed to change their sex on their birth certificate."

Further, the report said, "There has also been a 14-percentage point rise since 2021 in those who say trans rights have 'gone too far.'"

Asked, in 2019, whether "a person who is transgender should be able to have the sex recorded on their birth certificate changed if they want?' 24% said no. In the latest survey, that figure is 50%.

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"When participants were asked about 'attempts to give equal opportunities' to those who claim to be the opposite sex, 47% said they had 'gone too far,' up from 33% in 2021," the report said.

The National Centre for Social Research said its report confirmed "substantial changes" in attitudes about the alternative social and sexual lifestyle choices.

Simon Calvert, of the institute, said, "The growing public disquiet over allowing those who claim to be the opposite sex to change their birth certificates has happened during a period when trans activism has become increasingly aggressive."

A poll from last year showed U.K. support for the pro-trans measures is among the lowest in the world, beaten to the bottom in the category only by the U.S.

The Daily Mail noted, Fiona McAnena, of women's rights group Sex Matters, praised the findings, with, "This huge swing in opinion is down to the fact that the more the public understand the real-world impact of pretending that people can change sex, the less they like it."

Under the U.K.'s Gender Recognition Act, people only can change their sex on their birth certificate if their doctor has confirmed they are trans and they have obtained a Gender Recognition Certificate.

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