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Gavin Newsom Wants to Be an Emperor


A few weeks ago, while I was on my honeymoon in Rome, I was walking among the city’s ancient ruins. As I walked down the path that was once Rome’s main street, I suddenly encountered a man who I immediately recognized as California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

This was an insane coincidence because I have just authored a book on Gavin Newsom, which goes on sale today. In Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power, I unmask Newsom’s dangerous arrogance and relentless pursuit of power.

To make the whole situation more poetic, Newsom’s behavior in the ancient center of Rome perfectly symbolized the Newsom that I unveil in my book.

While in the forum, Newsom and his wife gazed almost exclusively upon the Temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina, which was dedicated to the deified emperor and his deified wife. The inscription at the top reads: “For the divine Antoninus and for the divine Faustina, by decree of the Senate.”

This is who Gavin Newsom wants to be: a man who so shapes the course of history that citizens see him as the god-like creator of the world they live in. As former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who authored the foreword for my book, explained, “Newsom cloaks a selfish agenda beneath a false compassion for the marginalized and underprivileged.”

Newsom, ever-ambitious and ever-desirous of being at the forefront of societal progress, has already found incredible success at leading America in his chosen direction.

Newsom ignited the gay marriage revolution. He began the COVID lockdown insanity. He duped America into marijuana legalization. He launched a soft-on-crime regime. He led the way on an endlessly generous homelessness strategy. And he spearheaded the radical sex education that has overtaken America’s schools.

You can see Newsom’s ambition to be the man to shape history reflected in his style of governance. He operates through actions that push the boundaries of leftist ideology. Consider his announcements of two years of free college for all Californians, free healthcare for all illegal immigrants, and a moratorium on gasoline-powered vehicles after 2035. He also performs grandiose stunts that elevate his national profile, such as his pro-abortion billboard campaign, his tour of red states, and his debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Throughout his political career, Newsom’s driving desire for power has been present to an embarrassing degree. All the way back in 1998, he told the San Francisco Chronicle that he was thinking of running for president some day. “If you’re in politics and you want to make an impact,” he said, “you should be as successful as possible and the most influential position is president.” Additionally, during Newsom’s time as lieutenant governor, it was an open secret that Newsom cared only for using the job to become governor.

This pursuit of power has shaped Newsom into a deeply arrogant man with little regard for anything except what can elevate him further. This lack of regard reached an absurd degree when he engaged in an affair with his campaign manager’s wife while he was mayor of San Francisco. The campaign manager was one of Newsom’s dearest friends, and the couple had an infant at the time of the affair. This is just one instance of Newsom’s shameless behavior. In my book, I detail many more.

Newsom is determined to become president and transform America in the image of California. He still hopes he will get his chance this cycle. That could happen, as, by the day, Biden’s cognitive decline appears worse and worse. The situation looks so grim that, if Democratic Party leaders were smart, they would urge Biden to end his campaign. But if it 2024 does not work out for Newsom, he will seek after 2028.

Therefore, it is crucial that we know our enemy. Luckily, this enemy has many skeletons in his closet. His hidden past is so troubling that, if Americans knew the truth, they would oppose having him anywhere near the White House.

To truly grasp the shocking extent to which this is true, read Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power.

Ellie Gardey Holmes is the author of Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power and a reporter at The American Spectator.

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