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'He just lies!' Morning Joe busts Trump for fleeing speech after promise to take questions


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough needled Donald Trump for waltzing out of a speech without taking any questions after promising to do so.

The presumptive Republican nominee told attendees at a convention center in Detroit that he would take their questions, which he said president Joe Biden was incapable of doing, and the "Morning Joe" host mocked Trump for walking out without taking a single query.

"I guess he didn't take the questions," said co-host Mika Brzezinski, laughing. "He just left."

Scarborough compared that casually broken promise to one of Trump's favorite rhetorical sleights, which is promising to deliver something in two weeks with no intention of following through, and he marveled at how so many fellow media members continued to fall for those tricks.

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"It's interesting that some of these outlets will print something in the morning, they know it's a lie and they ran it anyway," Scarborough said. "Here Donald Trump says something, usually he lies and says, 'I'm putting out my health care plan in two weeks, going to be building the largest skyscraper in Moscow in two weeks, I'm going to be going to the moon fueled only by vitamin C and pixie dust in two weeks.' So two weeks come and people forget. He lies at the beginning of the speech: 'Unlike Joe Biden, I'll be answering your questions,' and then he just walks off. Again, for those of us who, like, have run campaigns and actually think that you have to do what, like, you say you're going to do with a speech or whatever or a call you have to answer that call. He just lies, walks off the stage."

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