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Indian Army launches first-of-its-kind skin bank for severe burn treatment


The Indian Army has launched a first-of-its-kind skin bank facility that aims to revolutionise the treatment of severe burn injuries and other skin-related conditions for service personnel and their families.

The defence ministry in a statement on Tuesday said the skin bank will be staffed by a team of highly-trained medical professionals, including plastic surgeons, tissue engineers and specialised technicians.

The Army Hospital (Research and Referral) here announced the opening of the skin bank facility, a first-of-its-kind to be established within the Armed Forces Medical Services, it said.

"This landmark initiative aims to revolutionise the treatment of severe burn injuries and other skin-related conditions among service members and their families," the statement said.

This bank will serve as a centralised hub for the collection, processing, storage and distribution of skin grafts, providing a "critical resource" for military medical centres across the country, officials said.