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Guacamole Turkey Burgers [21 Day Fix]


Jump to RecipeOkay. This is totally one of my new healthy faves. Scratch “healthy faves” and replace with just “faves” in general. The word faves is starting to sound strange. Despite the overuse of “faves,” this turkey burger seriously is out of this world. The addition of chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt in the ground turkey yields SO much flavor.The patty alone seared with those delicious spices could be a blog post by itself. But adda big dollop guacamole on top aaaaand let’s just call it drool fest 2016. I’m judging myself for everything I’ve written in this post so far.Not only is this recipe SO ridiculously yummy, it is also just as ridiculously easy. The process of the turkey burgers only includes a few steps, and we keep the guac extremely simple. Just avocado, lime, garlic powder, and salt. Because I know you all have busy lives and love those quick weeknight meals.There is just the perfect balance of everything here…the meat is hearty and bold in fl...